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  1. S

    Input from ones living with CF

    My parents always treated my brother and I like normal kids. We didn't really even think anything about our treatments untill we got older. We just thought treatments were things that everyone done. Well, that's where they went wrong. I learned from someone else about the outcome of CF. My...
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    <b>~~~!!!CONGRATULATIONS!!!~~~</b><img src="i/expressions/wine.gif" border="0">
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    Help with my dog....

    i'd just wait a day or two and if your puppy isn't putting any weight on it, then take it to the Vet.
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    Fred, Please don't leave us. I really like your post. I know there's alot of drama on these boards (like a soap lol!!!). I just try to ignore the drama part of it though because there is a lot of good info and a lot of helpful people (you included).
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    Cramping in legs

    My brother and I both get pretty bad leg cramps. We've gotten these our entire lives. I think our doctor once told us it was from loosing too much salt. My brother has more problems with his joints than I do. Starting about 5 years ago, his knees and elbows would swell up and he couldn't move...
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    women only ???

    When I started my period about 7 years ago it was of course abnormal bcuz I had just started. Well it got to be where my cycles were 36 days long. This went on for about 2 1/2 years. Well, one cycle it just changed to every 27-29 days, and it's still like this. It comes every month and is...
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    Allan's Question

    From reading that, I can see that you meant sooooooo much to Allan. He really loved you. I really like those lines from <i>JACK</i>. They are a really good metaphor for life. I may also have to borrow them someday. Well Take Care!!!
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    when i was younger, i used to get really bad leg cramps (so did my brother). our doc said it was from loosing too much salt. well anyways, i crave salt alot, i guess when my body needs it. i love Lemon Salt and i love salted strawberries, green plums, and lemons.
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    coughing up blood

    yesterday, i hardly coughed all day. well last night, i started coughing and in about there was blood in it. this only happened about 4 times. i was just wondering what it could be. i feel GREAT, so i'm kinda worried. i gotta go to the doc tomorrow, but i'm afraid if i tell her, she'll wanna...
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    Hypertonic Saline ????s

    I started on HS about 1 week ago. I have coughed up sooooo much mucus. The mucus is yellow. Whenever I wake up in the mornings, I can't even talk because of how it makes my throte (sp) feel. I have also been craving salty food. I don't know if this is bcuz of the HS or not. Right now, i'm...
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    All of u on this site....

    I found this site probably about 2 years ago. Before that I was in denial that I even had CF. I was on oral antibiotics all the time. I've been on Tobi for about 4 years and I have been on pulmozyme since it came out and Albuterol for just about my whole life. Well anyways, one day I was on...
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    smoking I hate for anyone to smoke, but when I see or hear of a CFer smoking, it makes my blood boil. It makes all other CFers look bad, because most people who have heard of CF know it's a lung disease. Well, just think. If they see a CFer smoking, then they don't realize how serious the...
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    Latest update on Lo

    The family is in my thoughts and prayers. I hope all goes well.
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    SEAN DAVIS**** WHER ARE U??????

    i don't think i've seen anything from SD since that person was banned who was impersonating lildebbie. i'm not saying it was him, i just haven't heard anything since then
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    making cf "extinct"

    making cf "extinct I personally don't think it will ever be 'extinct'. Even if people do know that they are carriers, many people can't afford things like IVF.
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    Birth control question

    my husband and i have been married since feb 2006, and 2gether for 3 years now. well anyways, of those 3 years, i have only been on BC for 6 months (NOT in a row). my periods are kinda weird. for the first few years of my cycle they were like 34-36 day cycles, then about the time i started...
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    My new situation. Good or bad?

    i need to move to Canada. I'm sure it would be a HUGE change from hickville, Mississippi. i had to drop out of college so i could work full time just so i'd have insurance. i'm not "sick enough" to get ssdi or anything like that. i was on Miss CHIP, but you are no longer eligble once you...
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    i have to go to the clinic and they are gonna have me take a treatment while i'm there so they can make sure that i can tolerate it and it all goes well, then i'll start on it as soon as i can.
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    post nasal drip

    i've had that problem pretty much as long as i can remember. my sinuses are the main cause of my lung infections that i get. anyways, i usually take sudafed or benadryl (bendryl dries me up completely) i had sinus surgery done in dec and it helped ALOT for a few months, but now i'm back to...
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    What do you think about p[eople that dont do there treatment?

    my brother and i used to always do our treatments when we were younger because our parents FORCED us to. well, in the past 2 years, we both stopped doing them like we should. we would go weeks without doing them, then do one, then go a few more weeks and do them again for a couple of days...