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  1. S

    I'm tired of getting sick and I'm scared

    it came from some glitter graphic web-site. it is one of the following. not sure which one though: or or something along those lines.
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    Totally Off Topic

    ~<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0">CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
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    unlikely sex symbol

    i would also have to agree with James Franco and Colin Farrell. Damn, they look good
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    Still waiting for lungs...

    I know it's easier said than done, but STAY MOTIVATED!!! Motivation is what keeps us going. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
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    How often do you get yeast infections?

    i used to get them all the time. one time, it got so bad that my gyno thought i had herpes. i wuz freakin for the whole week i was waiting for the results and then she finally called and said it was a BAD yeast infection, which is what i thougt it was in the first place, but i haven't had one...
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    Prayers and Thoughts

    ~Martha will be in my thoughts and prayers~ please keep us updated as soon as u hear something.
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    transplant ????s

    Ok, i'm pretty sure that i'm no where near a transplant (i am about to be 19 and have never been in the hospital or on IVs) , but WHEN and IF i ever do need one, what are the reqirements. I have MRSA and Pseudo A. so i was just wondering if there are any restrictions with that and how do they...
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    I'm tired of getting sick and I'm scared

    I think that most of these post were rude to the original poster. Feeling jealous is natural. I don't know exactly what you are going through because I haven't had to be hospitialized yet, but I do know that when I start to get sick, I also get scared, and when you are scared you do irrational...
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    unlikely sex symbol

    mine would be Hayden Christisian. I don't like movies like Star Wars, but I watched them just to see him.
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    female question

    i know this is kinda gross, but here goes...... Is it normal to have mucus in your monthly flow. i always thought that it was blood clots, but after i really looked at it (i know, gross) i realized it is actually mucus. i was just wondering if this was normal or is there something wrong? this...
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    Funny Commercials

    i like the commercial where the husband walks into the kitchen and this muscular man is holding his wife and he says "honey i don't know how i feel about this" and she says "don't be such a baby" and the muscle guy says "yeah, a baby" and she says "this is just my imagination expressing how the...
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    What does your CF effect?

    my lungs, stomach, and sinuses are all affected by CF. My brother is the same way as me. We have taken ensymes our whole lives. up until about 2 years ago our pfts were in the high 90s. they are both now in the 60s and 70s. and i've had 1 sinus surgery
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    i'm REALLY worried

    UPDATE!!! it's not cancer. the dentist said is was "absess" or something like that. the only way to get rid of the sore is to have her tooth pulled or a root canal. my mom is not the kind to worry about her health (she's probably been to the doc 3 times in my whole life) so that's why i was...
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    i'm REALLY worried

    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i> Sara, I vote time for a new picture in your sig.</end quote></div> correct me if i'm wrong, but i don't think my post asked for your "vote" on whether or not i should change my sig.
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    i'm REALLY worried

    reillybug, i really hope that's all that it is. i'm trying to think positive
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    i'm REALLY worried

    she has this sore in her mouth that looks really bad. she just told me about it today. she's gone to the dentist to get it checked out because she said she's been researching mouth cancer and she thinks there's a possiblity that it could be that. she doesn't smoke and never has. she doesn't use...
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    Should I stay or should I go??

    i personally wouldn't go if he said not too since u r trying to recover from being sick.
  18. S

    I am on the new TOBI study and love it!!!

    Plucky, are u in the U.S.? and how long does the treatment take?
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    WoooHoo!!! i'm glad ur feeling better liz, that GREAT news!!!
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    every time i try to post on my blog, i type the message, then when i hit POST, and ERROR screen comes up.