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  1. S

    What would you do?

    I wish I could offer some good advice for you, but all I can offer is my past experience. I was going to make a wish with the Kid's Wish Network, but they we're going to put me in the papers and on the news, so I decided not to do it. I didn't want to do it because I did not want my classmates...
  2. S

    lalala TUNES

    that song is pretty sad, plus my name is sara beth so it's kinda weird
  3. S

    swallowing sputum

    Could this be the reason I've always had the horrible stomach cramps. I used to always swallow it. I did it bcuz i didn't want people to see me spitting up mucus all the time, that's kinda gross. Well, since i'm not in school anymore and i have my own office, i spit a lot more of it out.
  4. S

    CF related???

    I have xtremely dry skin and i have always had this problem. i was just wondering if this could be CF related.
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    sunless tanner

    the stuff you buy at the store always messes up on me, so i decided to get it done at a salon. the first time it looked great and really natural, but everytime after that, it has turned out really bad. it must have something to do with my skin type. i don't know if this is CF related, but i...
  6. S

    Funny Commercials

    i love the sour patch kid commercials. i like the one where a boy answers the door and someone starts throwing eggs at him, they say "first their sour" then the sour patch kid comes and hugs his leg and they say "then their sweet" i know it's corny, but it's funny
  7. S

    ???? about O2

    i've only been on 02 one time and that was when i had sinus surgery. that was the GREATEST i have ever felt in my life. i wouldn't want to be put on it bcuz i would feel like you do being 1 foot closer to the grave, but if i needed it i would definitely use it to give my lungs a break. right...
  8. S

    Getting to know you....

    1) Favorite Color~Pink 2) Favorite Food~Domino's hand tossed pepperoni pizza 3) Hobbies~watching tv and eating italian food 4) Extra~read my blog 5) Where you are from~hicktown, mississippi 6) Favorite Animal~dogs as pets and baboons bcuz their so ugly, their cute 7) Favorite Sport~none 8)...
  9. S

    Does Time Really Heal A Broken Heart

    i can almost relate. i was in love with this guy, don't know if he loved me. well i met him in the 7th grade and developed a crush on him. well i thought it would go away as soon as some other cute guy came along, well it didn't. i became obsessed with him (I was a stalker lol!) well i found...
  10. S

    Blog Update

    updated~WARNING!!! kinda disturbing post.
  11. S

    tongue rings and blog update?

    is it okay for CFers to get tongue rings? i had it done last night, but then i got to thinking. with us coughing up gunk all the time, maybe some of the bacteria could get in the peircing and get infected or something. i was just wondering if anyone else has one. And i updated my blog. my...
  12. S

    About yourself

    1. What time did you get up this morning? 5:20 2. Diamonds or pearls? diamonds 3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? wedding crashers 4. What is your favorite T.V show? Days of Our Lives 5. What do you usually have for breakfast? nothing 6. What is your middle name? beth 7. Favorite...
  13. S

    My Blog

    I made my first post on my blog. Hopefully it won't be my last. I think I've got it figured out.
  14. S

    Am I Selfish?

    Thank you SD. I had to do some major editing to my pic. just kidding!
  15. S

    Is anyone trying to get pregnant?

    I WAS trying. I got married 2 months ago to the guy I've been with for 3 years. I know I'm pretty young. About to be 19. I wanted to get pregnant at a young age so I could spend more time with my child. Well I've now changed my mind. My husband and I don't get along now that we are married...
  16. S

    Am I Selfish?

    My mom and dad are the just about the only ones in the whole family who doesn't smoke. They didn't smoke b4 me and travis were born either. I don't live at home anymore, but my brother still does, and my mom has never allowed smoking in our house or on our porch, but my dad is a different...
  17. S

    just testing my signature

  18. S

    Good news.

    all that biking should be good for your health. where i work, i always show up early and stay late. it really does leave a good impression when you go the extra mile. i work in an office for 10 hrs a day. Suppose to only be 8 hrs, but a couple xtra don't hurt. i know my job is much easier than...
  19. S

    Insanity in the A.M.

    my brother and my best friend used to skip school 2gether all the time. my parents we're pretty strick on us going to school, so they could NOT find out. well one of they many times, we decided to get high (i know a bad idea) it was the first and only time i ever smoked weed. so after we get...
  20. S

    Good news.

    Congratulations SD on the job. From your previous post, I could tell how much you wanted to start working. It may not be the job you really wanted, but in the long run, the health care plan will make up for it. I'm sorry to hear about your sinuses. I have really bad sinus problems too. I hope...