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  1. N

    Medicine Problems, Thoughts, Worries

    oh yeh ive been there and it osunds like you are in worse shape than I am so I cant say I have walked in your shoes. I had alot of the same crap and didnt take my meds between like 15-20 literally like 5 years I did things to my body a normal person should not do but now that I am healthy and I...
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    Blood sugars I have been drinking Diet Coke for sometime now and watching my diet the proper way and everytime I check my sugars even if I break the rules a lil bit they are always low. Now I am pretty religious about my meds ( over last year or so neglected health in my teenage years ) but I just...
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    yeh my doctor told me to supplement 150-200 mg of zinc daily.....they come in 50 mg tabs so its another 3 or 4 pills to shove down my know how it goes mike 22/m CF & CFRD
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    To take the 1 in 4 chance?

    this is a touchy subject but ill put my foot down and say...i would NEVER bring a chil;d into this world if he had a 25% chance of CF sorry run the tests...there are so many alternatives now adays to avoid it and you already have the would you feel if your next child has...
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    Testoserone shots or gel?

    im a pretty hyper guy....i run my own business go to school fulltime and acutally am in good health for my age....i dont have the most severe case of CF mainly gastro problems but recently my psudeomonas was out of control.....i didnt evenknow about TOBI until 5-6 months ago how sad is...
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    Testoserone shots or gel?

    i appreciate it and the urologist I saw had great answers for all of my questions. I have come to find out that it is the plumbing with CF patients not the fertility of tyhe sperm or the sperm count that prevents birth. I think a lot of CF news and communication is not properly told to patients...
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    Marijuana Question

    Well Emily vaporizers are going to make the smoke alot less harsh. It doesnt completrely eliminate the smoke ...during the exhale you will still see that you inhaled some smoke. Now I put up a post a while back on how CF doctors do not do enough to deal with the everyday pains and anxiety that...
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    Testoserone shots or gel?

    Im 22 with Cf and CFRD.... i just saw a urologist for the first time and am comtenplating doing the testoserone shots or gel anyone out there with experience in this feedback would be apprecaited
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    What are the weird things you do/bad habits?

    Wow... that was awesome.. Ihavent had a good laugh like that from a post in a LONG time. Sean I swear man you could take this post and sell it to a stand upcomedian I could only picture someone acting that out...simply amazing. Oh yeh and the leg shaking totally normal well maybe not for non-leg...
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    My son gets Embarassing Smells

    sean i hear ya man...but lets not deviate from the truth or reality.....if it was that easy believe me I could have saved myself from alot of embarrasment in my life.
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    Google Alerts A MUST

    I have just recently found this site in the last couple of weeks, but before getting a lot of informaiton here Google Alerts is how I would get my daily dose of new cf news. Its simple and great and I recommend it for everybody....simply go to click the more option..then go to alerts...
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    CF AND PAIN KILLERS.....????

    I have had Vicoprofen before as well. About 4 months ago I tore a couple of ligaments in my left ankle playing basketball and that is what the er doctor scripted me for pain. I agree they can be addictive but heck for temporary relief and comfort its worht it. My opinion is that cf patients are...
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    My son gets Embarassing Smells

    SeanDavis that is an extremely hilarious way to and outlook and the porblem we have with gas. The reality is though , and especially depending on the person you never get completely comfortable with your gas. I dont really think there is anything you can say to change the way he feels. Im 21...
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    There is an Orange county in alot of states. My name is Mike 21 yo male in Boca Raton, FL. If your in Orange county FL let me know.