What are the weird things you do/bad habits?


Super Moderator
Oh that is so funny Melissa. Now all I can picture is Fat B@$tard from Austin Powers..."We all love the smell of our own brand"...
I think I am going to have to watch that movie tonight!


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>SeanDavis</b></i>As for lilith, hahaha I would LOVE to drive you crazy with your OCD. I'd purposely mix up your candy and take away all of one color of M&M or sweet tarts and pretend like I didn't do anything, purposely rearange the cushions just to freak you out, totally rearange your PC's shortcuts (I bet they are in some ultra anal order too?), put your cd's and books in total random order...Oh my god i'd have such a blast driving you insane!<hr></blockquote>

LOL, you might not want to do that. I might go all rabid and bite you, or something totally random like throw tuna fish all over you and set my fat rabid cat out to hunt you down and eat you. MWAHAHAHA!!!


New member
I bit my lips all the time too. I always have to go around the house checking to see if things are unplugged or not, even if I know they are i.e. toaster, curling iron, etc. I also hate wrinkled clothes. I have to iron things two three times sometime to make sure there are no wrinkles.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Lilith</b></i><br><blockquote>Quote
<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>SeanDavis</b></i>As for lilith, hahaha I would LOVE to drive you crazy with your OCD. I'd purposely mix up your candy and take away all of one color of M&M or sweet tarts and pretend like I didn't do anything, purposely rearange the cushions just to freak you out, totally rearange your PC's shortcuts (I bet they are in some ultra anal order too?), put your cd's and books in total random order...Oh my god i'd have such a blast driving you insane!<hr></blockquote>

I might go all rabid and bite you, or something totally random like throw tuna fish all over you and set my fat rabid cat out to hunt you down and eat you. MWAHAHAHA!!!<hr></blockquote>

Um, that's just foreplay on a first date! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
BTW I somehow need to figure out a way to have all you OCD laundry/ironing/neat freaks to somehow join my cult so I can have you ladies cleaning up my crib and making me look less like messy marvin all the time.

/off to create a cult now


New member
haha sean, you need my boyfriend's favourite t-shirt - it says 'cult leader - followers wanted'........................

i too am anal retentive in the EXTREME!! nobody does things 'well' enough for me...........i am better at everything than everybody..........well so i reckon anyway . Even my mother wasn't clean enough for me......i moved back home for a while in my twenties and ended up arguing with her constantly because she didn't keep the house clean enough!! hehe bit of a role reversal!!

I don't bite my nails or chew my thumbs and i definitely don't show anybody what i cough up....i get very embarrassed about it and try to spit it out somewhere discretely. I'm not much of a farter or a nose picker, but i love the pain you get when you shove a sharp fingernail into your gums...........strange, but it's an enjoyable pain...................apart from singing to my cat using a deep 'frank sinatra' type voice I don't know that i've got any strange habits but i'm sure my partner would disagree with me there!!

Kat (37 with CF, NZ)


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To the person describing air compressor buzzing. Has anyone figured out what an air compressor could be used for other than a neb treatment or besides using it for buzzing in your ear?

Well many years ago on a lonely eveing, when I did not have a boyfriend, I fell in love with my air compressor. The tiny powerful buzzing action can easily aim to please. This one does not run out of batteries. The only thing is that you have to put up with the noise at first but the action it delivers your body you will become instantly transformed and the noise just disappears as you experience a major O There are very few men who can give you the same feeling. IF you try this. please do not tell your partner as they will become jealous. Keep it a secret

Too many O's will leave you exhausted. IF you cannot sleep it will help and if you have major cramps from your cycle it will help too. HAs anyone discovered the power of pressure yet?


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<FONT color=#008000 size=4><STRONG>Allie,That is the funniest story I have ever heard!!  Fresh Angel Food Cake!!!!  My husband and I have not laughed that hard in a long time!!Seana</STRONG></FONT>


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>To the person describing air compressor buzzing. Has anyone figured out what an air compressor could be used for other than a neb treatment or besides using it for buzzing in your ear?

Well many years ago on a lonely eveing, when I did not have a boyfriend, I fell in love with my air compressor. The tiny powerful buzzing action can easily aim to please. This one does not run out of batteries. The only thing is that you have to put up with the noise at first but the action it delivers your body you will become instantly transformed and the noise just disappears as you experience a major O There are very few men who can give you the same feeling. IF you try this. please do not tell your partner as they will become jealous. Keep it a secret

Too many O's will leave you exhausted. IF you cannot sleep it will help and if you have major cramps from your cycle it will help too. HAs anyone discovered the power of pressure yet?<hr></blockquote>

The guys version of that is the water jet holes on any in ground pool. I was in the pool a lot when i was younger, and always around those blow holes <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

And real men never get jealous if their ladies seek aids to even further please them. I've never gotten upset about that. On the contrary I like devices to accentuate the experience. Not to mention it can take some of the work off my shoulders, and let me get back to watchin a good kung fu movie or playing video games <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Wow - this is a little out of control...

I too...

1) Tear my finger and toe nails (I do not eat them)

2) Do the leg shake thing constantly

3) Must get into a made bed.... I don't usually make it in the morning, but will make it right before I get into it at night.

I also pull at my eyebrows a lot.....


25 w/cf


New member
Put me on the OCD list I guess.
I put all of my movies and CDs in alpha order.
All of the shortcuts on my comp are in alpha order too.
All my shirts are arranged sleeveless in color order red- black with patterns separate. Then the same for short sleeve and long sleeve.
I have my books in size order because it is more asthetically pleasing to me.
I am not really sure why I do those things but I do.

I don't bite my fingernails/thumbskin or anything.
I don't have to make the bed everynight - though I do like straight sheets.

I used to suck on my knuckles though - I did that til I was in High School.
I liked the way they felt afterwards for whatever reason - I would suck on them for forever then rub them with another finger. I mainly did that when I was bored. I tended to get bizarre looks when I was in class - that was my encouragement to stop.

Another compulsion I have is scratching my head. I do not have dandruff or anything and it doesn't itch I just scratch my head for no real reason. I don't even realize I am doing it until my mom or fiance tell me to stop. Then I quit and end up doing it again a few minutes later. I have done that as long as I can remember and probably always will.

A recent quirk I have developed which I guess could be matched with the replacing the sheets every month. I feel the need to replace my tooth brush every few weeks. I am not a big germaphob about many things but that - I tend to associate it with germs/bacteria since it is in my mouth and they are too. It grosses me out so I replace it.

hmmmm .... lol after reading my post I am thinking I need some meds - this time for OCD or something not CF lol.
Oh well, everybody has their hang ups I guess - well that's what I am sticking with anyhow.

23 w/CF and CFRD


New member
Wow... that was awesome.. Ihavent had a good laugh like that from a post in a LONG time. Sean I swear man you could take this post and sell it to a stand upcomedian I could only picture someone acting that out...simply amazing. Oh yeh and the leg shaking totally normal well maybe not for non-leg shakers but im all abot shaking my left leg ( like you say about 95% of the time ) ...it can go on for a long time adn I Have people tell me to stop ....they just can not appreciate how satisfying it is. I dont know if it is just me but I crack like every bone in my body frequently ...Im actually quite skilled I can do my ankles,wrists, fingers, toes,neck, and back. But honestly man you are hillarious...ill definetly be sure to read your stuff.

Mike - 21


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Hmmm....wierd bad habits, lemme see. BTW, wow, I guess we all have a little nuts us LOL!
I do bite my fingernails, can't help it....

I also have my own organized chaos, I hate it when people move my stuff...I know exactly where things are and when someone moves my things (such as my mom..we share a room because I am on a vent and she needs to keep an eye open for any problems while I sleep. We are truly the odd couple...she is obsessively neat, while I am a bit more casual and laid back with my things) I can't find anything and it drives me nuts!!! It may look messy to my mom, it really isn't that bad, but I know what my stack of paper contains...move them on me and my whole day is spent figuring out where in the helll that one piece of paper I need went.

Drives people nuts when I change my trache's inner cannula in front of them....to me it's just as natural as brushing my hair, I keep forgetting that most people aren't accustumed to that.

Always scratching my head...I like the sensation

Gotta have my meds a certain way, I guess that is about the most orderly thing I do have in my room LOL!

Well...I guess that's me in a nutshell so to speak! Hugs, Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I love a good skunk smell as well, but as for fanning my farts that is not my style<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. I also pick at teh skin on my fingers and if I have a scab anywhere it will be there for a while because I will pick it and pick it. It is disgusting really. I also pick the skin on my lip. Nervous habits. As for OCD if the toilet paper is on backwards I have to switch it no matter where I am. It has to come from around the top and not out through the bottom. I also have my clothes in my closet in order of styles. Since I have had my daughter i have to go in and look at her before I go to bed to make sure all is well. If i don't do it then I will have to get up to do it. Thats all I can think of now but I am sure that there are more quirky weird things that I just think are normal



New member
I just must b different then"bad habbits"is the topic,i'm 26 done judo 4 14 years,club coach,fort 4 wales,in britan and europe,trained"able bodied"cage fighters but the more time go`s on the more friends die,then starts bad habbits,i seem 2 go on selve destruck,hard drugs,drink.weird,i fight so hard yet once 2 often i go nuts which on more than 1 ocation has landed me in prison.WHY?i am an angre person and i fear 4 my future NOT CF FUTURE but my future because i feel cf has mently taken over and the only paths i got is stay fit and watch all my mates die or just go nuts and guess what it seems the easy way"THERES PEACE IN DEATH THATS 4 SURE!!!!!!!!!"<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">


New member
<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>creaner</b></i>
I just must b different then"bad habbits"is the topic,i'm 26 done judo 4 14 years,club coach,fort 4 wales,in britan and europe,trained"able bodied"cage fighters but the more time go`s on the more friends die,then starts bad habbits,i seem 2 go on selve destruck,hard drugs,drink.weird,i fight so hard yet once 2 often i go nuts which on more than 1 ocation has landed me in prison.WHY?i am an angre person and i fear 4 my future NOT CF FUTURE but my future because i feel cf has mently taken over and the only paths i got is stay fit and watch all my mates die or just go nuts and guess what it seems the easy way"THERES PEACE IN DEATH THATS 4 SURE!!!!!!!!!"<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0"><hr></blockquote>

Heh this is too good to have removed, so quoting for posterities sake <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
wow i thought my daughter was wierd for picking all the skin off her thumbs and pointer fingers sometimes it is so bad i have to use duck tape on her fingers. she is very OCD with her clothing, drawers, sheets,& vest and she is only 7yrs. after hearing what SeanDavis does i am going to watch her like a hawk. NO toenails or fingernails gross!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Well Sean seriously you are too funny and so real I love it!!! Ummm me I chew the skin around my nail and my nail and swallow it Especially when it is dry around the cuticle I go hard. I see that it is a trend with CFers in here. Ummm I shake my foot when Im antsy. Oh yah when I cough up mucus I usually swallow it and if it is chunky I will bite it too see how hard the mucus is or I will spit it on a window out side in winter and watch it freeze and wonder what part of my lung it came off of..... I enjoy taking a crap that is the deer dropplet kind it makes me feel like I actually digested something but it takes forever to come out. I just need to drink more water or something but it feels great!. I really enjoy farting really loud I think is sounds funny espeacially coming out of a small petite women like me ha ha. Oh burping too. I always rip my toe nails off with my fingers. I like picking hard boogers out of my nose and flicking them where ever. But unfortunatly I have a pretty clean nose so I dont get much of those. So when I do find a winner it's a good flicken time. I love pulling the stringy goop from the corner of my eyes and you pull it and it like scrapes the back of your eyeball it feels amazing. yah so far that is all I can think of right now. My boyfriend and I dont even live in the same province so I think this will be a good heads up for him. haha he has no clue what he is in for lol