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    post nasal drip

    Do you think Allie is old enough to do the nasal sprays? She can't really cough stuff out yet though. Will the ENT be able to suggest these things or do you guys get these rxs from the CF doctor?
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    post nasal drip

    My 4 yr old w/ CF has started doing a clear her throat type cough in the past couple of weeks. I'm not exaggerating when I say she does it all day long. It's constant. She doesn't complain about it but by the end of the day her throat is raw. I assume this is allergies even though she's...
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    Helpless in Carolina

    Where are you in Carolina? I have a 4 yr old daughter with CF and we live in Durham, NC. Which CF center will be doing the sweat test??? I highly recommend UNC if it's not too far. Good luck. Even if he is positive for's not as bad as it used to be. There are new treatments coming...
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    voice never came back

    Thanks Uli. Allie has a check up tomorrow and I'm going to ask about the Voltaren. I hope they can tell me something tomorrow b/c I'm worried she will always sound this way. Guess I'm just worried......
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    voice never came back

    My 4 yr old daughter's voice never came back after taking TOBI this last time. It's been two months and her voice is so hoarse and quiet. She also has to clear her throat a lot. Could it be a result from the TOBI or could it be something else? She says it doesn't hurt but it sounds like it...
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    great music-fight CF

    Awesome Laura!!  That's so cool you live in Cary and are coming to the show.  Please make sure to find me and my husband and introduce yourself.  We are so excited about the show and can't believe it is finally here.  It's been a long time planning it.<br> <br> See you Friday night!
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    I had H. Pylori several years ago and it was horrible.  I feel bad for the little girl that has it.  I remember the dr telling me I couldn't give it to anyone else.  But...I hadn't had my daughter at that point so I didn't ask specifically about CF and H Pylori.
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    great music-fight CF

    <div class="messagetext_container"> I wanted to tell you about this great project my husband has put together which was motivated by our daughter, Allie.  Allie is our 4 yr old that was diagnosed with CF 21 months ago.  Anyway, my husband is a music producer and he has put together an awesome 18...
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    great music-fight CF

    <div class="messagetext_container"> I wanted to tell you about this great project my husband has put together which was motivated by our daughter, Allie.  Allie is our 4 yr old that was diagnosed with CF 21 months ago.  Anyway, my husband is a music producer and he has put together an awesome 18...
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    great music-fight CF

     I wanted to tell you about this great project my husband has put together which was motivated by our daughter, Allie.  Allie is our 4 yr old that was diagnosed with CF 21 months ago.  Anyway, my husband is a music producer and he has put together an awesome 18 song CD called "Songs for Sixty...