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  1. H

    Feeling sad

    You are sooooooooooo not alone. I could have written your post. Chin up...
  2. H

    Just need to talk

    Hi Seana, A friend told me about Boost Nurtritional Pudding. It's fantastic !! It's 240 calories and soooo good for them !! My daughter eats 2 a day !! One right before her nap and the other one right before bed !! I get it from Target Pharmacy or CF Services Pharmacy..My grocery store told...
  3. H

    Question...Tobi prophylactically ???

    Thanks Chris for responding, She hasn't had any pulmonary symptoms at all yet !! No cough, no weezing...nothing.... We do airway clearance (with a small pink cup) twice a day for 20 minutes each time. She takes albuteral, and pulmozyme (doc feels that it's good to have everyone with CF on this...
  4. H

    Just need to talk

    more for you........ we add 1 tsp of light brown sugar to all baby jar fruit...that's 15 calories... Scandi Cal is 35 calories per tablespoon..but you need to take enzymes... Pediasure is awesome... The Boost can be bought through Target Pharmacy..they will have it for you in a day !! Other than...
  5. H

    Question...Tobi prophylactically ???

    Hi there... Quick question... Anyone on Tobi to keep pseudomonas away? My daughter has not cultured this yet..(she is 14 months old) and her pulmonologist mentioned at her last visit that it's something to think about. Interesting...still reading up on it... Anyone doing this?... He feels that...
  6. H

    Just need to talk

    What about Boost Pudding? My 14 month old daughter has been eating that since she is 6 months old. 240 calories in 5 oz !!! She loves it. It comes in Chocolate, Van, and Butterscotch...She gets 2 a day actually and hasn't tired of it...she is also in the 50th percentile because of it...
  7. H

    If anyone will talk to me, I'd appreciate it (2nd termination mentioned inside)

    that was a quote.... sorry....from Serendipity...."I carry 2 deltaF508 (which as called severe mutations.)
  8. H

    If anyone will talk to me, I'd appreciate it (2nd termination mentioned inside)

    I carry 2 deltaF508 mutations (which as called 2 severe mutations.) Is this true ??? That having 2 deltaF508 mutations is considered severe? My 11 month old daughter has 2 and I have never heard that...I have heard that it's the most common.....Thoughts PLEASE...I'm worried...
  9. H

    how to give a baby that gags enzymes?

    I am so glad that I found this message board. I am overwhelmed by the responses. THANK YOU ALL VERY VERY MUCH. I will try and respond to each and every one of you today...have to go feed the baby now and hope she doesn't gag......UGH !!!
  10. H

    how to give a baby that gags enzymes?

    Thanks eveyone for your help.....Brandy, my husband and I both LOVE your idea !! It would take a little longer to give, but I think she's do better with a few spoons of applesauce with a few enzymes sprinkled on at a time rather than all the enzymes in one small spoonful of applesauce...
  11. H

    how to give a baby that gags enzymes?

    "When my daughter was a baby/toddler she loved her enzymes in a big spoon of Cool Whip" I don't think that's a very good's supposed to be given with acidic applesauce, pears, peaches, no? What does everyone else thinkabout that?
  12. H

    how to give a baby that gags enzymes?

    Can anyone offer any advice as how to get a baby to take enzymes with apple sauce and not gag and end up vomitting? My daughter is 10 months old. Has been taking enzymes since she is 3 days old. Up until a month ago was taking the enzymes no problem. Now she starts gagging on them and...