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  1. F

    I really need some help

    I have a 17 mo old that has almost severe pancreatic insufficency and i just found out today that his sweat test last month was a 9 on one arm and 11 on the other... his gastro ordered an ambry mutation blood test. he was VERY upset during the sweat test and the nurses had a hard time keeping...
  2. F

    I really need some help

    I have a 17 mo old that has almost severe pancreatic insufficency and i just found out today that his sweat test last month was a 9 on one arm and 11 on the other... his gastro ordered an ambry mutation blood test. he was VERY upset during the sweat test and the nurses had a hard time keeping...
  3. F

    I really need some help

    I have a 17 mo old that has almost severe pancreatic insufficency and i just found out today that his sweat test last month was a 9 on one arm and 11 on the other... his gastro ordered an ambry mutation blood test. he was VERY upset during the sweat test and the nurses had a hard time keeping...
  4. F

    I really need some help

    I have a 17 mo old that has almost severe pancreatic insufficency and i just found out today that his sweat test last month was a 9 on one arm and 11 on the other... his gastro ordered an ambry mutation blood test. he was VERY upset during the sweat test and the nurses had a hard time keeping...
  5. F

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    FOR STEVE: I have a 17 mo old son who has been dx with pancreatic insufficiency, almost severe. He has had the sweat test done and the Dr said negative but i do not know the actual level. He was VERY upset through the whole test process so now i am not sure he even had an effective test...