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  1. V


    they were very hard and gummy very hard in texture which turns out i was coughing up mucus plugs but the very minimal limit of mucus itself which thats what i guess the drs were wiggin out
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    i'm in house and doing aggressive therapy

    Tisha if you have any question about the care your recieving and something doesn't seem right, go for a second opinion. I had contacted the CFF about my clinic and the lady at the head of patient cares told me the same. it was the best decision i had made, i guess i was sicker then i had...
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    This new medicine has me extremely excited, i might get put on it and i wanted to see who has it and how its working for you!!
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    i'm in house and doing aggressive therapy

    these drs were upset bc my previous drs were pushing back the care of my cf for like years, i went from high 80s to low 60s, my lungs will getting crowded with mucus, i couldnt breath and i guess i had started coughing up mucus plugs all within the past two years. the drs at the old clinic said...
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    i'm in house and doing aggressive therapy

    so i had previously posted about the last clinic i was at giving me a lot of trouble. Then i posted i started going to the childrens cf clinic in dayton. Let me say amazing!! its near a 2 1/2 hour trip from where i live but worth it. After talking to my dr and deciding that my lungs where full...
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    i barely cough up any mucus which is a problem bc my lungs have gaining more and more mucus, but when i do couch it up its extremely hard and hurts. Is that bad or good i mean what is it ive never seen that happen before.
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    Embarrassing issue with cf

    ok thanks guys and gals <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> i appreciate the time you guys put into replying back <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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    Embarrassing issue with cf

    i have always been picked on because of my stomach problems, bad smelling gas and then this problem, if someone even mentions it i cry horribly. there was 9 of us kids and i always got the bunt of everyones jokes. I am going to start wearing pads possible poise to bed
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    Everybody watch this video this kid is awesome.

    LOL that kid is adorable, i swear he inspires me to dance while doing my treatments !! LOL <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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    Obama & Healthcare

    From what i heard if they socialize medical care, wait time for hospitals, ers and most of all getting a Transplant will be near impossible. O.O
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    IV antibiotics periodically or as needed?

    My old clinic told me that no one does periodical treatments that its not needed! (See why i got a new clinic!!) My new clinic so far as told me whenever i FEEL like i need one to come in!! He even said that because i'm a mother that i have a good chance at doing mine at home to take care of my son!
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    Embarrassing issue with cf

    WHO has problems with body oil blowouts!? and what do you do about yours? how have you delt with this problem, i need help. Mines recently over the past 2 years and would love some advice on what to do, how to manage it, and how to tell someone you love incase you have an accident at night? i...
  13. V


    OK your not alone!! I have problems just the same, im 26 and seriously considered to wearing depends! i use pads!! mostly at night or when i have this feeling that "todays gonna be a bad day" coughing or sneezing!! oh yea it sucks!
  14. V


    See i would cough so much at night that i couldnt get even 2 hours of sleep, i couldnt lay down id have to lay at a angle to try to get any rest. i have noticed my ribs been hurting more a lil more then usual. Which i just figured from doing to much with the new move into the bigger house. well...
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    Becoming pregnant w medical help :)

    We thought about and i told vaul before we actually conceived that he would be tested for the gene. If he happens to have the gene then we would adopt a child, i dont want to have a child with cf, i dont want to have a child to suffer like that. Gene carriers, i think if i teach my children the...
  16. V

    Dental problems caused by cf?

    Shoot i got 20 teeth left and half of them are bad, constant pain and infections in my mouth makes me wanna scream! ive had like 6 teeth pulled due to infection in my face where its swollen up and it felt like someone smacking me in the face with a hammer. I told my dentist with my medicine they...
  17. V


    Broke ribs?? Oh lord!! If that isn't enough to scare you i don't know what is. I've had rib pains like pulled muscles and pluersy too. I might try a few of those ideas. Now extra question, i was always told my a CF dr that NEVER EVER EVER EVER take any cough medicine!! i had to go through school...
  18. V


    Broke ribs?? Oh lord!! If that isn't enough to scare you i don't know what is. I've had rib pains like pulled muscles and pluersy too. I might try a few of those ideas. Now extra question, i was always told my a CF dr that NEVER EVER EVER EVER take any cough medicine!! i had to go through school...
  19. V


    We all know coughing can get pretty intense, loud and violent. My coughing once a while ends up giving me back pains. Sooo my question is, what are some ways you guys have found to ease the coughing problem. Medicine or not, i still cough. I wake up my boyfriend, Vaul, when i cuddle with my son...
  20. V


    We all know coughing can get pretty intense, loud and violent. My coughing once a while ends up giving me back pains. Sooo my question is, what are some ways you guys have found to ease the coughing problem. Medicine or not, i still cough. I wake up my boyfriend, Vaul, when i cuddle with my son...