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  1. V

    Need help with Non Compliant Family Members!!!

    I have this same problem!!!! well simular! i am now 27, but growing up my family always smoked around me!! they never seemed to realize what they were doing. They never got the second hand smoke is bad!! THEY still do this!! i think my family forgets that i am sick, not that i have cf, but the...
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    Got married!! ((health issue with home))

    we are very excited to announce that we got married! Lucas is back home and has been for almost two years where he belongs and is thriving, and i found the love of my life. We had also bought a mobile home which is an older mobile home, turns out it has mold in it. its been making me and my lil...
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    Cavities and CF

    I used to have beautiful straight teeth, and then i hit my teen years and they started going bad. I had 4 pulled and then 2 more got pulled later. now as of last week every single one of the teeth i have left are full of cavities and my dentist told me that as i continue to do my treatments they...
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    CF and Heart Failure?

    ty for the reply :) we are very excited :) and i will make sure to do that :D
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    CF and Heart Failure?

    while attending my new clinic the doctor has been looking for any signs of heart failure, i thought this was strange, is there anyone that has heart failure or signs of it bc of your cf? I am really worried about it because lately my feet have been swelling and my socks been leaving imprints on...
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    Follow up with Dr Harry

    SO i went back to dayton today and Dr O an Dr Harry was really impressed. I gained 4.5 lbs, i am up to 130 i was always 114. My pfts before stay was 65, and my pfts after are now 73, which are still climbing ( i hope lol) I talked to them about me and my fiance maybe trying for one more baby and...
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    When cf will no longer be an incurable disease??

    with the up coming medicines such as kalydeco coming out, i have high hopes and prayers that it will be soon. My lifes ambition is to watch my son grow up and have me some grand babies i can spoil with cookies and send home. lord only knows how i drive to be the typical grandmother, cakes and...
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    Going home

    I haven't found out what my second mutation was. I have a follow up appointment tomorrow with Dr Harry and Dr O.
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    Going home

    I am so excited to be going home, aep got our electric on from the storms here. thank gosh! Doc Harry was so impressed at how well i bounced back after getting sick and i am truely greatful and i appreciate all the time, effort and hospitality i recieved at this hospital. I truely feel at home...
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    a tough blow

    I dunno whats going on its starting to drive me insane
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    a tough blow

    yea its f508, i researched some things and said that with kalydeco there is a drug called VX-809 that might help i dont know.
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    a tough blow

    after being told that i had the G511D gene and after my son was tested and found out that infact was his gene by my old clinic, i had high hopes of qualifying for kalydeco. Today i found out that i do not have G511D, F- something, i was kinda shocked when they told me. I was and am very...
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    in house update

    Thank you so much for your reply Jenn, I thought for a while hiring someone would have caused a lot of caos and harsh judgement from my family. And now i am kind of thinking, it doesn't matter what they think as long as my family is taken care of and i am taken care of. I am so pleased i...
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    in house update

    Thank you very much to both of you who had replied. I appreciate all the comments i recieve. BelEAche, i do not drink water, for some reason ever since i was little, i cannot stand the taste of water. But i do however drink a lot of gatoraid. I've always known that its something that can put...
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    3 days left to vote!!

    Voted <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> good luck
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    They haven't offered a surgical clean out of my lungs, in fact i didn't even know they could do that. When i take my meds its albuterol, hypersail, pulmazyme and then tobi, i start my vest at albuterol and it last thirty minutes. i do them back to back. Printer, i didn't know all that, i knew...
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    lilro im coughing very lil and nothing comes out. even with the hypersal.
  18. V

    Medicare not paying for Respiratory stuff..

    man that is a scary thought!! i was always told to talk to your pulmonologist, center, where ever you go, they can help with some things
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    in house update

    <strong>So when i was a child i was never taught anything about cf, my family lived with my illness as of "Here take this, your sick, don't ask questions" So i am all the time asking on here advice because i wasn't educated when i was little. </strong> <strong>I went to Dayton Childrens and they...
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    yea my drs have me on 3 very powerful antibiotics, hypertonic saline, pulmazyme, albuterol my vest, they even brought in my hospital room a exercise bike and told me to walk, i am still coughing up the bare minimum. the amount is less then half the size of a dime, and it hasn't increased.