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  1. C

    The Kindergarten Conundrum

    Both of my girls have June b-days. My CF daughter started school when she was 5 and so will my 5 year old without CF, but both were/are more than ready. When I was growing up (I also have a June b-day), I started school at age 5, but my cousin who is a boy and very close in age to me waited a...
  2. C

    The Kindergarten Conundrum

    Both of my girls have June b-days. My CF daughter started school when she was 5 and so will my 5 year old without CF, but both were/are more than ready. When I was growing up (I also have a June b-day), I started school at age 5, but my cousin who is a boy and very close in age to me waited a...
  3. C

    The Kindergarten Conundrum

    Both of my girls have June b-days. My CF daughter started school when she was 5 and so will my 5 year old without CF, but both were/are more than ready. When I was growing up (I also have a June b-day), I started school at age 5, but my cousin who is a boy and very close in age to me waited a...
  4. C

    The Kindergarten Conundrum

    Both of my girls have June b-days. My CF daughter started school when she was 5 and so will my 5 year old without CF, but both were/are more than ready. When I was growing up (I also have a June b-day), I started school at age 5, but my cousin who is a boy and very close in age to me waited a...
  5. C

    First sinus surgery, what do I expect???

    We actually just got home from Taylor's second sinus surgery. As with the others, her doctor does not pack her nose because he wants all the junk to drain out. Last time, the drainage started right away, but this time there is very little so far. Her nose is a bit sore, but nothing that...
  6. C

    First sinus surgery, what do I expect???

    We actually just got home from Taylor's second sinus surgery. As with the others, her doctor does not pack her nose because he wants all the junk to drain out. Last time, the drainage started right away, but this time there is very little so far. Her nose is a bit sore, but nothing that...
  7. C

    First sinus surgery, what do I expect???

    We actually just got home from Taylor's second sinus surgery. As with the others, her doctor does not pack her nose because he wants all the junk to drain out. Last time, the drainage started right away, but this time there is very little so far. Her nose is a bit sore, but nothing that...
  8. C

    First sinus surgery, what do I expect???

    We actually just got home from Taylor's second sinus surgery. As with the others, her doctor does not pack her nose because he wants all the junk to drain out. Last time, the drainage started right away, but this time there is very little so far. Her nose is a bit sore, but nothing that...
  9. C

    First sinus surgery, what do I expect???

    We actually just got home from Taylor's second sinus surgery. As with the others, her doctor does not pack her nose because he wants all the junk to drain out. Last time, the drainage started right away, but this time there is very little so far. Her nose is a bit sore, but nothing that...
  10. C

    Girl Scout Meeting

    Thanks, Dana! I told Taylor about the idea and she thought it would be pretty cool! I think we are also going to bring her nebulizer and show them how she does her treatments and will do a short version of her "pat pats" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
  11. C

    Girl Scout Meeting

    Thanks, Dana! I told Taylor about the idea and she thought it would be pretty cool! I think we are also going to bring her nebulizer and show them how she does her treatments and will do a short version of her "pat pats" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
  12. C

    Girl Scout Meeting

    Thanks, Dana! I told Taylor about the idea and she thought it would be pretty cool! I think we are also going to bring her nebulizer and show them how she does her treatments and will do a short version of her "pat pats" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
  13. C

    Girl Scout Meeting

    Thanks, Dana! I told Taylor about the idea and she thought it would be pretty cool! I think we are also going to bring her nebulizer and show them how she does her treatments and will do a short version of her "pat pats" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
  14. C

    Girl Scout Meeting

    Thanks, Dana! I told Taylor about the idea and she thought it would be pretty cool! I think we are also going to bring her nebulizer and show them how she does her treatments and will do a short version of her "pat pats" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
  15. C

    Girl Scout Meeting

    Thanks, Terry! We may have to try that :-) Does anyone know of any other books that might be good...something like Malory's 65 Roses? Maybe I can read the book and then do something with them like blowing up the balloon.
  16. C

    Girl Scout Meeting

    Thanks, Terry! We may have to try that :-) Does anyone know of any other books that might be good...something like Malory's 65 Roses? Maybe I can read the book and then do something with them like blowing up the balloon.
  17. C

    Girl Scout Meeting

    Thanks, Terry! We may have to try that :-) Does anyone know of any other books that might be good...something like Malory's 65 Roses? Maybe I can read the book and then do something with them like blowing up the balloon.
  18. C

    Girl Scout Meeting

    Thanks, Terry! We may have to try that :-) Does anyone know of any other books that might be good...something like Malory's 65 Roses? Maybe I can read the book and then do something with them like blowing up the balloon.
  19. C

    Girl Scout Meeting

    Thanks, Terry! We may have to try that :-) Does anyone know of any other books that might be good...something like Malory's 65 Roses? Maybe I can read the book and then do something with them like blowing up the balloon.
  20. C

    Girl Scout Meeting

    My daughter's Girl Scout troop is going to walk with us again this year in GREAT STRIDES. I have been asked to help with their meeting the week before the walk and the troop leaders want me to plan something related to CF to help the girls understand why they are walking for Taylor. Last year...