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  1. C

    Temporary Hair Color For Halloween

    Thanks, Allie - that is what I always have in the back of my mind...let her have fun!  I am thinking that it can't be much worse than if she didn't have CF, but I also always have that (her CF) in mind.  If I ever find out that something can have little or no harm to the norm, but can have major...
  2. C

    Temporary Hair Color For Halloween

    Hi everyone - I hope someone can help me with this one :-)  Does anyone know if the temporary hair color that you spray on is safe for CF patients?  My daughter had a festival tonight at school and they were spraying the kid's hair for fun so I let my daughter have her's sprayed.  But, it got me...
  3. C

    Temporary Hair Color For Halloween

    Hi everyone - I hope someone can help me with this one :-)  Does anyone know if the temporary hair color that you spray on is safe for CF patients?  My daughter had a festival tonight at school and they were spraying the kid's hair for fun so I let my daughter have her's sprayed.  But, it got me...
  4. C

    Temporary Hair Color For Halloween

    Hi everyone - I hope someone can help me with this one :-)  Does anyone know if the temporary hair color that you spray on is safe for CF patients?  My daughter had a festival tonight at school and they were spraying the kid's hair for fun so I let my daughter have her's sprayed.  But, it got me...
  5. C

    Elementary School To Be Named After CF Doctor

    For those of you who have never heard of Dr. Diaz, he was one of the best pediatric CF doctors around.  Unfortunately, he passed away in November of 2004 after a very brief illness.<br> <br> He treated our daughter since her diagnosis and was so wonderful to her and all of his patients!  He was...
  6. C

    I need some advise on enzymes

    Sorry...that was obviously me...I always forget to login now!
  7. C

    I need some advise on enzymes

    That is funny that you said that because that is pretty much what I told them...ugh!!!  The ignorance of CF.  Oh well...I was once there too!  I have her doc and nurses working on it...let's hope it works :-)<br> <br> Thanks for the made me laugh :-)<br> <br>
  8. C

    I need some advise on enzymes

    Hi everyone - I am hoping someone here can help me!  My 6 year-old is attending a before and after school program (only one hour before and after) offered by parks and rec.  During the after school program she gets a snack and needs 1 enzyme.    The head of parks and rec has informed me that...
  9. C

    Update on the Triplets

    How exciting for you all!  Congrats!  Can't wait to see the pictures :-)<br> Keri
  10. C

    Some good news for a change!

    That is great news!  It will help out a lot I am sure :-)
  11. C

    Pediatric Mask Turning Yellow

    Before I ask the question, let me introduce myself.  I have been on this site on and off for the last 4-5 years...had a login a long time ago and forgot it and have mostly posted as anon, until now :-)  I have  a 6 year old girl with CF who thankfully is doing amazing!  I will from time to time...