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  1. C

    does anyone have to take insaline shots for cf diabetes

    I have had my insulin pump since Jan. 06 and love. I was on the shoots and hated it cause they restriced my diet to that of a diabetics, and I lost even more wight. I would deffinatly think about, look in to, and talk to your doctor about getting one ASAP. Its quite a bit of work at first, but...
  2. C

    does anyone have to take insaline shots for cf diabetes

    I have had my insulin pump since Jan. 06 and love. I was on the shoots and hated it cause they restriced my diet to that of a diabetics, and I lost even more wight. I would deffinatly think about, look in to, and talk to your doctor about getting one ASAP. Its quite a bit of work at first, but...
  3. C

    does anyone have to take insaline shots for cf diabetes

    I have had my insulin pump since Jan. 06 and love. I was on the shoots and hated it cause they restriced my diet to that of a diabetics, and I lost even more wight. I would deffinatly think about, look in to, and talk to your doctor about getting one ASAP. Its quite a bit of work at first, but...
  4. C

    does anyone have to take insaline shots for cf diabetes

    I have had my insulin pump since Jan. 06 and love. I was on the shoots and hated it cause they restriced my diet to that of a diabetics, and I lost even more wight. I would deffinatly think about, look in to, and talk to your doctor about getting one ASAP. Its quite a bit of work at first, but...
  5. C

    does anyone have to take insaline shots for cf diabetes

    I have had my insulin pump since Jan. 06 and love. I was on the shoots and hated it cause they restriced my diet to that of a diabetics, and I lost even more wight. I would deffinatly think about, look in to, and talk to your doctor about getting one ASAP. Its quite a bit of work at first, but...
  6. C


    i jsut wash it in very hot soapy water, rinse in hot water and then air dry. but I dont see where alcohol or HP could hurt, I might tryt htat my self.
  7. C


    i jsut wash it in very hot soapy water, rinse in hot water and then air dry. but I dont see where alcohol or HP could hurt, I might tryt htat my self.
  8. C


    i jsut wash it in very hot soapy water, rinse in hot water and then air dry. but I dont see where alcohol or HP could hurt, I might tryt htat my self.
  9. C


    i jsut wash it in very hot soapy water, rinse in hot water and then air dry. but I dont see where alcohol or HP could hurt, I might tryt htat my self.
  10. C


    i jsut wash it in very hot soapy water, rinse in hot water and then air dry. but I dont see where alcohol or HP could hurt, I might tryt htat my self.
  11. C

    E-Flow question

    i use distilled water, I have used the tap like once. is there anyway to unclogg it??
  12. C

    E-Flow question

    i use distilled water, I have used the tap like once. is there anyway to unclogg it??
  13. C

    E-Flow question

    i use distilled water, I have used the tap like once. is there anyway to unclogg it??
  14. C

    E-Flow question

    i use distilled water, I have used the tap like once. is there anyway to unclogg it??
  15. C

    E-Flow question

    i use distilled water, I have used the tap like once. is there anyway to unclogg it??
  16. C

    E-Flow question

    thanks for reply, I have had this one since July of this year, my first one just quite working one night. I will have to see about the jewelrey cleaner, I have it soaking right now....I hope it deceides to work, i dont want to call and tell them this one is not working right.
  17. C

    E-Flow question

    thanks for reply, I have had this one since July of this year, my first one just quite working one night. I will have to see about the jewelrey cleaner, I have it soaking right now....I hope it deceides to work, i dont want to call and tell them this one is not working right.
  18. C

    E-Flow question

    thanks for reply, I have had this one since July of this year, my first one just quite working one night. I will have to see about the jewelrey cleaner, I have it soaking right now....I hope it deceides to work, i dont want to call and tell them this one is not working right.
  19. C

    E-Flow question

    thanks for reply, I have had this one since July of this year, my first one just quite working one night. I will have to see about the jewelrey cleaner, I have it soaking right now....I hope it deceides to work, i dont want to call and tell them this one is not working right.
  20. C

    E-Flow question

    thanks for reply, I have had this one since July of this year, my first one just quite working one night. I will have to see about the jewelrey cleaner, I have it soaking right now....I hope it deceides to work, i dont want to call and tell them this one is not working right.