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  1. M

    Megestrol ?

    My doc put me on this stuff to gain weight, its been about a week now, and i think i'm suffering from one of the side effects, insomnia, i can't sleep through the whole night. Anyone else take this stuff? its nasty, like liquid chalk
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    lung transplants

    I'm not and have never been on oxygen, yet, so like i don't get it ? well i was on oxygen once, cause the doc said there was a air pocket thing on my right lung, so i was on O2 for like 24hours, and that was summer 04', so umm yeah im confused
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    lung transplants

    Have any of you had one or know someone who had one? What are the chances everything goes as expected? Did you actually fell better after ? What happened with your insurance company, did they pay for it or what? what are signs someone really needs one? cause i don't feel sick at all but my...
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    Whats the deal w/Sugar?

    Hi, i'm Mike, 18yrs old w/CF...i drink crazy ammounts of coca cola and i wanna know if theres a change of getting diabetes or something from it. I know sodas not healthy but, i really don't like water and coke is just my drink of choice. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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    right enzyme amount

    I don't know if its the same for everyone but i take: McNeil MT16 enzymes, 3 w/meals, 2w/snacks, 1 normal bowl movement a day, and i'm 17yrs old. (18 in april)
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    Home IVs

    I had an IV in the 4th grade. I remember that i went to the hospital and they put the heprin lock on me, left arm by my muscle, and when i got home i flushed the tube, hooked up the ball and after the medicine was all done cleaned the tube again & rolled down my sleeve.Only thing i didn't like...
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    When i was younger i really didn't understand CF much, i just took my meds and did treatments like i was told, and i never really told my friends that i have it. but around the ages of 13 and 14 the coughing started to bother me and now @ 17 i get short of breath a lot and i'm an all around lazy...
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    17 yr old female w/ CF needs to talk to other teens!

    Hi Maddy, I'm Mike and i'm also a senior in Highschool w/cf. If you wanna talk sometime you can catch me on AIM or MSN. info is in my profile.
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    Swallowing Pills

    When i was a little kid my mom put the enzyme beads in apple sauce and i ate a spoonfull to get em down.But i'm almost 18 (Apr 6th) and i've been taking all kinds of pills w/no prob.I took a whole Tums once, i didn't know u were soposed to chew em. haha I take McNeil MT16 enzymes.
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    What to eat to gain weight

    What do you guys / girls eat or do to gain weight.I eat like a pig and take all my meds, most of the time, and i don't gain much weight.At this point i'll do whatever as long as it tastes good <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
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    would luv to talk to teens!

    I'm 17yrs old, w/CF and i'm currently a senior in High School. I get short of breath a lot and i'm a really lazy kid. i use to play basketball & soccer but i really can't anymore. I play tennis, vollyball, ping pong and such in P.E. class. I manage. But in school, after going up like 4 flights...