Home IVs


New member
Our son is 6 and in grade school. He'll be going on home IVs for the first time and I wondered what that entailed? He'll be on them for approximately 2 weeks. Also, will he have to miss school for the whole 2 weeks or can they go to school with an IV? If so, what restrictions do they have?Thanks!


New member
It is soooo nice to be able to come home on ivs. I am now 30 and when I was in kindergarten I remember having to go in the hospital and spend 3-4 weeks at a time. I missed so much school....and missed my friends. I think this is something that you will need to decide. Health wise...I dont see any reason why your son cant go to school....if he is up to it. It is just something that he is going to have to be careful with.....depending on what is the easiest for you...and how often the meds are needed. Maybe be a little bit more restrictive when it comes to playing at recess.....Good LuckDea


New member
He absolutely doesn't need to miss the whole 2 weeks of school. If he's not feeling up to it, sure he can stay home. But if he's feeling better, or able to go to school, there is no problem with him taking them with him. I would notify the school nurse, and (unless he knows how to do it himself) make sure she knows how to administer the meds, and at what times. Also, I would leave the meds with her, and make sure he knows what times to go see the nurse. One thing that helps me remember when I do home IVs is SASH. Always remember SASH. Saline, Antibiotics, Saline, Heparin. It's the order in which the process goes. I might be more restrictive on recess (not only because he might be too active, but because other little kids can be unsafe with things they don't understand), but there's nothing saying he has to skip the whole 2 weeks. That's part of the reason to do home IV, so that you don't miss your normal activities. As a young adult, it gets easier, because you can do it yourself. But he still has a right to go to school while on the IV meds. I know I'm older, but I take my meds with me and administer them right in my classes. No one second questions as long as I explain to my professor what's going on. Let him do his normal stuff and go to school. It might make the 2 weeks go by faster, than if he was sitting at home doing nothing.


New member
I had an IV in the 4th grade. I remember that i went to the hospital and they put the heprin lock on me, left arm by my muscle, and when i got home i flushed the tube, hooked up the ball and after the medicine was all done cleaned the tube again & rolled down my sleeve.Only thing i didn't like was the fact i had to sleep on my back or chest.i dont' remember if i missed school or not.