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  1. K

    Anyone ever met a CFer face to face

    hi there... yeah i've met many other cf people face to face. im great friends with a few ther cf people. our families are close too so we've had sleep overs and things (wen wewere younger) i still love to catch up with them. even though theres cross infection and things. plus i'v met many...
  2. K

    Anyone ever met a CFer face to face

    hi there... yeah i've met many other cf people face to face. im great friends with a few ther cf people. our families are close too so we've had sleep overs and things (wen wewere younger) i still love to catch up with them. even though theres cross infection and things. plus i'v met many...
  3. K

    does anyone here?

    hey! thanks for replying it makes me feel a bit better!! and less worried!! thanks heaps!
  4. K

    does anyone here?

    hey! thanks for replying it makes me feel a bit better!! and less worried!! thanks heaps!
  5. K

    does anyone here?

    hey! thanks for replying it makes me feel a bit better!! and less worried!! thanks heaps!
  6. K

    does anyone here?

    no i dont hav one but some of my other cf friends do. i thought i had good veins but last admission (2weeks ago) they told me i will have to get one sooner or later (most probaby sooner!) Do they hurt? Do you find them annoying or anything? Do they stick out much?
  7. K

    does anyone here?

    no i dont hav one but some of my other cf friends do. i thought i had good veins but last admission (2weeks ago) they told me i will have to get one sooner or later (most probaby sooner!) Do they hurt? Do you find them annoying or anything? Do they stick out much?
  8. K

    does anyone here?

    no i dont hav one but some of my other cf friends do. i thought i had good veins but last admission (2weeks ago) they told me i will have to get one sooner or later (most probaby sooner!) Do they hurt? Do you find them annoying or anything? Do they stick out much?
  9. K

    Tired of trying to get it through to some people

    I have a reasonably healthy weight gain, im not totally underweight im just short! And im in my second year of high school, its weird for me as in my small (country) primary school everyone knew i had cf and what it was, no questions asked. I got a rude awakening at the beginning of last year...
  10. K

    Tired of trying to get it through to some people

    I have a reasonably healthy weight gain, im not totally underweight im just short! And im in my second year of high school, its weird for me as in my small (country) primary school everyone knew i had cf and what it was, no questions asked. I got a rude awakening at the beginning of last year...
  11. K

    Tired of trying to get it through to some people

    I have a reasonably healthy weight gain, im not totally underweight im just short! And im in my second year of high school, its weird for me as in my small (country) primary school everyone knew i had cf and what it was, no questions asked. I got a rude awakening at the beginning of last year...
  12. K


    Hi annette i asked my mum what kind of ganes i have and i am delta 508 double. She says it is when you mum has the gene delta 508 and when your dad had it too. hope this helps? kim
  13. K


    Hi annette i asked my mum what kind of ganes i have and i am delta 508 double. She says it is when you mum has the gene delta 508 and when your dad had it too. hope this helps? kim
  14. K


    Hi annette i asked my mum what kind of ganes i have and i am delta 508 double. She says it is when you mum has the gene delta 508 and when your dad had it too. hope this helps? kim
  15. K

    Just wondering

    hey. it depends what kind of sick you mean?? i have around 3 admossions a year, which i consider pritty good! However i get sick like coughs and colds alot, which sucks as i miss heaps of school that way, its hard i tell my friends im sick (staying at home) and they think that means im going...
  16. K

    Just wondering

    hey. it depends what kind of sick you mean?? i have around 3 admossions a year, which i consider pritty good! However i get sick like coughs and colds alot, which sucks as i miss heaps of school that way, its hard i tell my friends im sick (staying at home) and they think that means im going...
  17. K

    Just wondering

    hey. it depends what kind of sick you mean?? i have around 3 admossions a year, which i consider pritty good! However i get sick like coughs and colds alot, which sucks as i miss heaps of school that way, its hard i tell my friends im sick (staying at home) and they think that means im going...