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  1. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    Thank you all again. I took him to the GI doc at the Children's hospital. We saw the PA. She decided to do some blood work and stool collection for leukocytes and culture. She felt of his stomach and said it was soft and she didn't think it would be a blockage. But, I would have felt much...
  2. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    THank you all so much for your comments. I, too, wondered about the possibility of an intestinal blockage. It helps me to know I am not crazy for some of you to mention it too. No, the ped. did not listen to his stomach. They are so clueless sometimes! The GI nurse did call me back and...
  3. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    THank you all so much for your comments. I, too, wondered about the possibility of an intestinal blockage. It helps me to know I am not crazy for some of you to mention it too. No, the ped. did not listen to his stomach. They are so clueless sometimes! The GI nurse did call me back and...
  4. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    THank you all so much for your comments. I, too, wondered about the possibility of an intestinal blockage. It helps me to know I am not crazy for some of you to mention it too. No, the ped. did not listen to his stomach. They are so clueless sometimes! The GI nurse did call me back and...
  5. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    My 2-yr old son (who has blood at Ambry for testing right now) has had some mild throwing up for about 2 weeks. It's not been bad-- just a little here and a little there. Then his appetite starting going down. For 3 days he didn't eat hardly anything. He would act hungry and take a bite only...
  6. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    My 2-yr old son (who has blood at Ambry for testing right now) has had some mild throwing up for about 2 weeks. It's not been bad-- just a little here and a little there. Then his appetite starting going down. For 3 days he didn't eat hardly anything. He would act hungry and take a bite only...
  7. E

    Toddler's Acute GI Problems

    My 2-yr old son (who has blood at Ambry for testing right now) has had some mild throwing up for about 2 weeks. It's not been bad-- just a little here and a little there. Then his appetite starting going down. For 3 days he didn't eat hardly anything. He would act hungry and take a bite only...
  8. E

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Steve, Hi it's me. :-) Can you please let me know when my son Jonathan's blood sample shows up there. It was sent via DHL instead of Fedex. Sorry to be such a pest, just want to make sure I'm doing everything on my end to follow through with this and see to it that it gets done. Thanks so...
  9. E

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Steve, Tomorrow will be a week since my son had his blood drawn. It was sent via FedEx and I want to make sure you all received it. His name is Jonathan Mark Huntsinger DOB: 05/12/05 Thank you, Edna
  10. E

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Steve, Just wanted to thank you again for the information you give. My son is going to have his blood drawn for the Amplified test today!! I am so excited and anxious, but very thankful for getting the right information from you to get the process started. I have waited 4 years for some...
  11. E

    about to go crazy!!

    Hi Heather, I'm glad you are getting somewhere. Keep up the fight! I'm excited to say that today we are having the Ambry test done on my 22mo old son!! Thank God!! It's exciting to think that finally now after 4 years, I may start to get some answers!! I'll let y'all know. Good luck to...
  12. E

    about to go crazy!!

    Hi Heather, I'm glad you are getting somewhere. Keep up the fight! I'm excited to say that today we are having the Ambry test done on my 22mo old son!! Thank God!! It's exciting to think that finally now after 4 years, I may start to get some answers!! I'll let y'all know. Good luck to...
  13. E

    about to go crazy!!

    Hi Heather, I'm glad you are getting somewhere. Keep up the fight! I'm excited to say that today we are having the Ambry test done on my 22mo old son!! Thank God!! It's exciting to think that finally now after 4 years, I may start to get some answers!! I'll let y'all know. Good luck to...
  14. E

    muscle tone in 3-month old

    My 22mo old (not yet diagnosed with Cf but has PI) was diagnosed with FTT around 5mo and also had very poor muscle tone!! He didn't sit up or crawl on time because of it, but once he got on an aggressive enzyme replacement therapy, and started to gain weight well, he slowly progressed to normal...
  15. E

    muscle tone in 3-month old

    My 22mo old (not yet diagnosed with Cf but has PI) was diagnosed with FTT around 5mo and also had very poor muscle tone!! He didn't sit up or crawl on time because of it, but once he got on an aggressive enzyme replacement therapy, and started to gain weight well, he slowly progressed to normal...
  16. E

    muscle tone in 3-month old

    My 22mo old (not yet diagnosed with Cf but has PI) was diagnosed with FTT around 5mo and also had very poor muscle tone!! He didn't sit up or crawl on time because of it, but once he got on an aggressive enzyme replacement therapy, and started to gain weight well, he slowly progressed to normal...
  17. E

    about to go crazy!!

    Hi Heather, I am sorry about your difficulties. I TOTALLY understand them though. You know the last time I contacted you my 4yr old was having a repeat endo with pancreatic function test and a colonoscopy. Well, she had the first one at 2 1/2 yrs and was low end of normal on some, normal...
  18. E

    about to go crazy!!

    Hi Heather, I am sorry about your difficulties. I TOTALLY understand them though. You know the last time I contacted you my 4yr old was having a repeat endo with pancreatic function test and a colonoscopy. Well, she had the first one at 2 1/2 yrs and was low end of normal on some, normal...
  19. E

    about to go crazy!!

    Hi Heather, I am sorry about your difficulties. I TOTALLY understand them though. You know the last time I contacted you my 4yr old was having a repeat endo with pancreatic function test and a colonoscopy. Well, she had the first one at 2 1/2 yrs and was low end of normal on some, normal...
  20. E

    Pancreatic Enzyme Levels ???

    Thank you all for you comments. Thanks for the info on ADEK. I didn't know that you could get it OTC. In regards to what diseases could cause PI: The only listed causes in children are CF and Schwaccman Diamond Syndrome. Then there are pancreatitis and gastric surgeries listed. That's...