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  1. E

    question about CF

    Hi. I am VERY curious about your son's symptoms!! I am currently searching for answers about my daughter(2 1/2 yrs and my son (4 mos.). We have had non-stop GI problems since birth! We've had three sweat tests on my daughter, and one on my son. All of them negative. Now we're going for...
  2. E

    Problems with Diagnosis........Update

    Hi everyone! Okay, we went to Brenner Children's hospital at Wake Forest two weeks ago. Saw the GI specialist, and I think I will like him. He listened well, and commited to help me get to the bottom of what is wrong. After we discussed my daughter's symptoms, and then my son's, he went...
  3. E

    Problems with Diagnosis -- In Progress

    Thank you all for your responses!!! Since I joined this forum, I have learned so much!! I now feel empowered an ready to face this and get to the bottom of it! We are going to Bowman-Gray University Research Hospital in Winston-Salem, N.C. next week. I know that I will demand an Ambry test...
  4. E

    scared...sweat test

    Wow! When I read your post, it really sounded familliar. My daughter is 2 1/2 and has had problems since birth with her bowels. We've had two sweat tests and both were neg.(15-35) But, I'm not convinced. We are going to have genetic testing done next week. She doesn't have asthma, although...
  5. E

    Problems with Diagnosis -- In Progress

    Okay..................I'm back to finish! Sorry about that! So, in the meantime, while searching for another dr., Leila continued to have very bad bouts of stomach pain and gas. And at the same time, eating everything she could find! I demanded a sweat test, for which he thought I was crazy...
  6. E

    Problems with Diagnosis -- In Progress

    I have noticed while on this forum, a very common thread---Getting the doctor to take you seriously enough to pursue the issue. So, I have started this topic to vent and tell my story... My first daughter born in 1999. Healthy as can be. Second daughter, Leila, born Dec. 2002. Everything...
  7. E

    Any kids without weight gain problems?

    I think this topic is very interesting. The main reason doctors weren't concerned about my daughter and thought I was crazy to even suggest testing for CF is because she was gaining ok and didn't "look sick". I can't tell you how many times I was told that she looks fine!! That made me...
  8. E

    Help!!! Pancreatic Insufficiency

    Thank you all so very much for your responses!!! They have been most helpful!! I will keep you updated on our progress!! Let me just mention the symptoms of my baby boy, and see if they sound familiar. After passing meconium in his first week of life, he completely quit pooping. I had to...
  9. E

    Help!!! Pancreatic Insufficiency

    Thank you so much for your responses!! I have located a CF center close to me, and am going to go forward to try to get to the bottom of this. If anyone has any other thoughts that may be helpful, please share them. Thanks, Edna
  10. E

    Help!!! Pancreatic Insufficiency

    Hi everyone! I really need some help. My 2 1/2yr old daughter has been diagnosed with Pancreatic Insufficiency but we don't know why. She has been on enzymes since last Oct. She has had the sweat test for CF twice. Negative. She was also tested for other things and they were negative as...