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    Odd Food Combinations

    gee maybe this is why caleb wont eat anything.. maybe i should just spice it up a little and try some of others suggestions... i wonder if cfers actually have normal taste buds, i cringe at alot of the food combo's but caleb would probley love em Melissa mom to dylan 6wcf and caleb 4wcf
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    I do calebs pulmozyme at night after he falls asleep. i feel he gets all of it that way. durring the day he fights me doing it and keeps pulling the mask off. so after he goes to sleep i put the mask on him and do it that way, so i know he is getting it all.. its expensive stuff, so i dont want...
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    First Time Inhaler

    haha ya i do.. i live about an hr and 20 mins from portland. if you want to email me my addy is, i also have yahoo messenger but im not sure if you use that or not. i added you once and nothing happened. hope to talk to you soon btw we usually see dr mellow or anne marie...
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    flutter doo dad

    does anyone know the age they usually give the flutter out?? thanks, Mel
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    First Time Inhaler

    caleb is on both.. inhaler and neb for albuterol. he is 4 now but he has been on them since he was a baby. i personally think the neb works alot better but if your out and cant plug in the inhaler works good.. if you ever want to talk just hollar.. we go to the same clinic, maybe we can trade...
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    my son is df508 and G542X, he is too little for pft's but he has been doing good so far. Mel
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    Has anyone ever tried the supplement called airborne?? it was developed by a teacher who was sick of picking up germs at school? you just drop a tablet in a little bit of water and wait for it to dissolve then drink it. looking for info of whether or not it works Mel
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    A 4 yr old who is stubborn to do vest.

    My son is also 4 and use's the vest.. he is usually pretty good about it but has his moments. my husband has a xbox and we bought my son a few games so he is aloud to play games when he does his vest. maybe something like that would work for you Mel