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  1. T

    New Meds... anyone have any experience with these?

    Sonia I have heard many things about the Hypertonic solution-- basically medical salt water by what I have heard. My doctors are looking into it, they are trying to decide what nebs are more important. It is hard enough to get people to do Pulmozyme and TOBI religiously let alone another. I have...
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    CF arthritis

    So when I was first trying to figure out what my issue was I was going from doctor to doctor. To make a long story extremely short, I find out that I am one of two patients in the state of Iowa who have this, like I said this is very rare. I only found out because the rheumatologist that I went...
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    CF arthritis

    Risa thanks so much for the link to the article-- very interesting I think!!! Have a wonderful day!
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    New memeber !! (well, sort of)

    Thanks so much for your posts. It helped a ton. To know there are people out there to help is always great!!!  
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    New memeber !! (well, sort of)

    Well hello... and welcome. I just joined today too!!!! I noticed you said about the getting older and learning to adjust with your CF. I have gone through quit a bit eye opening experiences the past couple months, so much that I went to see a therapist to get my head right. To make a LONG story...
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    CF arthritis

    Hi, I am 20 years old with CF. I have a CF induced disease called Episodic Arthritis, the easiest way to explain it is that is arthritis that comes only once in a while and more often when I am sick. Sometimes it is so severe that I need help to change clothes, put my hair up, go to the...
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    Any CF runners?

    I have never had the urge to run--- or ability really!!! I danced for over 15 years and that kept my pfts in the 80's then I had to quit for other health reasons and they crashed unfortunately. Although they are in the low 60's I am trying to get my pfts up so I can dance again. I am working all...