Search results

  1. Y

    When do you find the time to workout

    how lon does it take to boil nebs? why not do you laundry at night? join a gym with a creche. dont spend your lunch hour cleaning do your walk then. get a cleaner in  one day a week......where theres a will theres a way. make a list of your priorities, make a schedule and stick to it!!! are you...
  2. Y

    herbal meds

    do any of you ever use complimentary meds? obviously i would be interested in any  ideas:<img src="i/expressions/light.gif" border="0">
  3. Y

    herbal meds

    do any of you ever use complimentary meds? obviously i would be interested in any  ideas:<img src="i/expressions/light.gif" border="0">
  4. Y

    herbal meds

    do any of you ever use complimentary meds? obviously i would be interested in any  ideas:<img src="i/expressions/light.gif" border="0">
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    double doozy

    my daughter is 13 and has cf since she was 1 when she was 11 she developed non- related diabetes does anyone have the SAME diagnosis? it is rare we only have 2 people in ireland with them both <img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0">
  6. Y

    double doozy

    my daughter is 13 and has cf since she was 1 when she was 11 she developed non- related diabetes does anyone have the SAME diagnosis? it is rare we only have 2 people in ireland with them both <img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0">
  7. Y

    double doozy

    my daughter is 13 and has cf since she was 1 when she was 11 she developed non- related diabetes does anyone have the SAME diagnosis? it is rare we only have 2 people in ireland with them both <img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0">
  8. Y

    Stomach aches!!!

    1= chew your food for ages<br> 2= take small amounts at a time<br> 3= avoid MSG's (renound stomach acher)<br> 4= drink peppermint tea or suck a peppermint(polo) make sure it contains peppermint oil<br> 5= if all else fails try mottilium before meals<br> OR TRY IT ALL <img...
  9. Y

    Stomach aches!!!

    1= chew your food for ages<br> 2= take small amounts at a time<br> 3= avoid MSG's (renound stomach acher)<br> 4= drink peppermint tea or suck a peppermint(polo) make sure it contains peppermint oil<br> 5= if all else fails try mottilium before meals<br> OR TRY IT ALL <img...
  10. Y

    Stomach aches!!!

    1= chew your food for ages<br> 2= take small amounts at a time<br> 3= avoid MSG's (renound stomach acher)<br> 4= drink peppermint tea or suck a peppermint(polo) make sure it contains peppermint oil<br> 5= if all else fails try mottilium before meals<br> OR TRY IT ALL <img...
  11. Y

    This is oh so wrong

    AAARRRGGGG...... cant finf out wot ya laffin at
  12. Y

    This is oh so wrong

    AAARRRGGGG...... cant finf out wot ya laffin at
  13. Y

    This is oh so wrong

    AAARRRGGGG...... cant finf out wot ya laffin at
  14. Y

    Weight lifting and exercise

    do you have creatin in your country? i had a pal who did martial arts and he took the stuff to 'bulk up' all the time......
  15. Y

    Weight lifting and exercise

    do you have creatin in your country? i had a pal who did martial arts and he took the stuff to 'bulk up' all the time......
  16. Y

    Weight lifting and exercise

    do you have creatin in your country? i had a pal who did martial arts and he took the stuff to 'bulk up' all the time......
  17. Y

    CHAT for only teens and young people?

    i have never experienced anyone with cf over weight in fact one thing i have noticed is they are all slim and extremely good looks. if you have a child with cf who is over weight whats your secret???????
  18. Y

    CHAT for only teens and young people?

    i have never experienced anyone with cf over weight in fact one thing i have noticed is they are all slim and extremely good looks. if you have a child with cf who is over weight whats your secret???????
  19. Y

    CHAT for only teens and young people?

    i have never experienced anyone with cf over weight in fact one thing i have noticed is they are all slim and extremely good looks. if you have a child with cf who is over weight whats your secret???????
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    Very Thirsty

    my daughter has cf and diabetes (non related) she's 14, her name is ella, and we live in Dublin ireland she is on the verge of getting a very bad cold and has gone to bed dosed up as there is a big party at the boat club on friday. i have just spent the last 1/2 hour slavering her in fake tan...