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    How can I lose fat safely?

    I would suggest seeing a dietitian before making any significant changes to your diet. If all you are targeting is your abs, then exercising them more will help burn the fat around that area. If you are looking to just get to a healthier weight, websites or apps like...
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    can't get DR. to test me

    If your doctor is not willing to give you a referral to a CF clinic, it's time to change doctors or just call the CF center nearest you directly.
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    Sweat Chloride of 44 ??????

    I cannot say much for the sweat test, but I do want to say that your friend's child is in great hands at the Mayo Clinic. I have been getting care there for well over ten years and recently found out I had CF through their clinic. The doctors there are great! If your friend wants a CF clinic...
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    6 y/o son and lung surgery?

    I can't really give any advice on this matter, but I can say that there are a lot of people on these forums who are knowledgeable and will be able to help you. Stay strong!
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    Trying to get over the flu, need some advice.

    I would suggest calling your CF team first and see what they recommend. I would also make a point to start getting a flu shot every year. The state I live in has already had 60 flu related deaths this season. People who are pregnant or have a compromised immune systems are particularly at...
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    Clarification, please!

    I would stay away from hot tubs due to all the moisture and high amounts of bacteria in the water. I would think a wood sauna would be ok because they are more of a dry heat and the wood is usually treated, unlike a tiled steam room. However, I am by no means an expert and would suggest asking...
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    Home from school

    Online school! Depending on the state you live in, you may want to consider enrolling her in online public school. This may be a good alternative because your daughter would be able to rest when she needs and do the work when she is feeling well. Many states offer this with the idea that the...
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    Who are you in a nut shell

    My name is Amalyn and I was diagnosed about 1 month ago. I have the deltaF508 and R117H (with a 7T or 9T allele) mutations. I'm a women. I am married and we are trying to get pregnant with our first child. (yay!) I am 24 years old and live in Minnesota. I am very excited to be graduating with my...
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    Sinus Headaches

    I wake up with a sinus headache (always on the right side of my head, sometimes on both sides) almost every morning. I sleep mostly on my right side. I have tried to sleep more on my left to even out drainage, but it doesn't seem to help the congestion I wake up with. I blow my nose for a...
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    Looking for opinions and thoughts!

    My aunt was telling me that Fargo actually got their CF clinic title revoked from the CF Foundation because of how bad the care was! They go to Children's, now.
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    Looking for opinions and thoughts!

    "let her know Clara was one when she started her treatments...she would have sooner...but Fargo didn't start them....children's does though as soon as they are big enough!!! She has had 0 complications from it!!" I hope that helps!
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    Looking for opinions and thoughts!

    I have a cousin that was diagnosed with CF at birth. I will ask my aunt what they did when she was that age and get back to you.
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    How do I make my point??

    I would not go behind your husband's back. However, he needs to understand that YOU and YOUR health are his number one priority. I was taught that a man would leave his parents and cleave to his wife, and vise versa. He needs to make the well being of those who belong to his household the...
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    The Kid can't stop talking about Cystic Fibrosis.

    Always the truth I have always found that being upfront and honest with children is the best approach. I personally believe that telling children little white lies because it is less uncomfortable and easier on the adult is a bad idea. Although your son may not understand what genetics are or...
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    Sweat Tests

    Thanks for the information! I referenced this post in another:
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    Sweat Test done.. Now im confused? :/

    I was looking at other forum posts and found another post on sweat tests. This information looks to be reliable. As such, your son should be in the range of 1-39 mmol/L in the age group of 5-9.
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    Sweat Test done.. Now im confused? :/

    Hi mumof3xxx, I am first going to say that I am not a doctor. This explanation comes from what I have found through my own testing of what is considered normal for a sweat test value and knowledge I have gained through an almost completed 4 year degree in Cell and Molecular Biology. The...
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    DeltaF508 and R117H

    Good morning everyone! I thought I would share a quick update on what I have found out from my doctors throughout the week. I had a pulmonary test: normal. Sweat test: normal. ECHO (I am post cardiac ablation for SVT, but they said it was to check pressures in my heart): normal. Chest...
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    DeltaF508 and R117H

    Hi genelle, I have always gotten sinus headaches but attributed them to seasonal allergies as they only occurred during spring and fall. However, I am finding that as I get older I am getting more frequent sinus headaches. I also had an upper respiratory infection in August, something that I...
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    DeltaF508 and R117H

    All of my care is being done at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, so I am sure I am in good hands. My husband and I have discussed having him tested for the rest of the CF mutations. We do not know if this will be covered by our insurance. Regardless of if we have him tested or not, we are still...