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  1. D

    what would you do??

    I am 31...32 in July. I am glad to be alive! I have enjoyed my has not been perfect...but it has been mine. Without CF, I would not have met the wonderful CF friends that I have now. I have other friends as well....but there is something different about my CF friends. They are...
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    women question

    I am 31 and never really developed in the boob area. I wear an A cup. There are days it bothers me, but overall I just try to remember that it doesnt matter. It used to bother me more....but when I was about 14, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to have a mastectomy. 2 years...
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    do you ever feel "good" with CF

    I used to feel good. About a year and a half ago...I started having lots of sinus probs, then kidney probs, then more digestive probs. My CF arthritis has become just seems like everything went downhill all at once. I honestly havent felt "good" since. My breathing has suffered as...
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    I also have a cat...and have had pets my whole life. Im now 31...and have never had problems with having them around! Dea
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    Having a baby

    Im also a mom with CF. I am 31 and have a beautiful almost 7 yr old daughter! She is the light of my life! My lung function was in the low 80s when I became pregnant. Im now in the low still doing ok. I did get CF related diabetes within 6 months after having her...but she was worth...
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    cf'er with gastro problems

    I do have a suggestion other than golytely..because I know from experience how nasty that stuff is. The last time I did a clean out, my doc prescribed VISICOL. It is a tablet that you take 3 every 15 minutes for 2 hours with 8 oz of clear liquid. It is so much easier to take than golytely and...
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    Deceiving appearances

    I am 31...and look much younger as well. I have a daughter that is almost 7. When she was born people would look at me like " Look at that girl with a baby!" It was funny! Dea
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    cf'er with gastro problems

    This is not going to help...but to let you know that you are not alone. I am 31 with the same problems....I have been having so many problems with constipation. I only take 2 enzymes (Ultrase MT 18) w/meals and 1 w/snacks. I take miralax and a stool softener on a daily basis. The golytely...
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    cocaine use and cystic fibrosis?

    Just want to say...Thanks Jarod Dea
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    cocaine use and cystic fibrosis?

    That person knew what kind of responses they were going to get. To the last poster...I believe I can give my opinion as well! For your information, I do have a brother WITH CF as well...and he also uses drugs. So believe me, I'm not clueless. It is not a shock to me at all...I will NEVER...
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    cocaine use and cystic fibrosis?

    I'm sorry...I dont know what kind of response you could have expected from a question like that. Knowing that you have CF...why in the world would you want to use anything that you know is going to harm you. I am not normally a rude person...but that kind of question just bugs me to no end! I...
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    I dont believe that it is any easier as you get older. I have known all my life about my CF..was diagnosed as an infant. I am now 31. I have different problems now as I get older. There are more things that come into play as an adult...being work, family, etc. I am a mom with a job and...
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    PFT Reliability

    I feel the same way also. My last visit I just knew my pfts were going to be lower. They hadnt dropped but just a couple ...which is nothing. My FEV is about 70%...and there are times I feel like they are much lower. I see just a slow drop each time I go...<img...
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    pregnancy and CF

    I am one of those women...I am 31 with a 6 (almost 7)yr old daughter(CF free). It took me almost 2 yrs to become pregnant. I had become very stressed about it...and then decided it just wasnt meant to be. About 6 mos after that...I became pregnant! My lung function was in the low 80s when I...
  15. D

    do you have another baby????

    I am also an adult with CF. I want to give a positive outlook on this subject. I agree that I would not want anyone to have this disease, but this is a decision only you and your husband can make...not anyone on this board. I want to say..that I would not have held it against my parents if...
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    What to eat to gain weight

    Actually...CFers tend to get Type II diabetes. You dont get diabetes from eating too much sugar. I have been a CF diabetic now for 6 yrs. You can keep blood sugars down by not eating all the sugar foods...but you cannot prevent it. It just depends on the damage of the pancreas. Type I is...
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    Sinus probs

    Hello everyone Just wanted to ask if anyone knew of a good sinus doc that deals strictly with CF patients. Ive had 4 sinus surgeries already this year...with no help. My doc is talking another one after the first of the year. The headaches are almost unbearable. I like my doc...I just dont...
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    Well... Dr.Rosenbluth is the head of the Adult CF clinic at Barnes. Barnes is on the top 10 list of best transplant centers if that helps any. I believe he is very up to date on new meds and new research. They are constantly asking people to participate in research projects. How far away are...
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    I see Dr.Rosenbluth as well in St.Louis. I live in Illinois and travel about 2 hours to St.Louis. I am very pleased with the care I get at the CF clinic there. Good Luck! Dea 31 w/CF and CFRD
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    Where are we all from in the World?

    Hi ... I'm 31 and live in Illinois in the USA Dea