Search results

  1. L

    Have you become more introverted and anti-social as your health declines?

    i, too, have always been what i call a "homebody" ... i truly enjoy being home w/ my boyfriend (he's also a homebody) and furbabies (they're also homebodies LOL)! i don't necessarily attribute it to having CF so much as i've just always enjoyed it this way. but then, i suppose if anything, i've...
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    Want a port.... doc may say NO

    i'm having a hard time wrapping my head around any nurse having a say in whether you get a port or not AND that she would discourage it even if she did. beyond that, isn't standard treatment for MAC six weeks of IV therapy (we thought a while ago that i had MAC and i was told that's what...
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    Traveling with a carry-on

    so this is a great thread to read right now as I am flying American Airlines from Maryland to Texas next weekend, but i'm still confused... here's what i need to take: thAIRapy vest (this is the one i'm most concerned about w/ weight limit for carry-on) PARI Vios compressor all the typical CF...
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    Cat playing with oxygen tubing...suggestions?

    i've had issues w/ one of my two cats puncturing my neb tubing! he will go thru spells where he doesn't touch it for long periods of time then he will chew on it again; however, i finally wised up and starting making SURE i put the tubing away, out of his reach, when not in use. i know that...
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    New Lungs

    congratulations, moonlutz11! take care of you :D
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    When did you start to decline?

    ok so! shame on me that i do not exercise regularly, or even close to it, and for that i'm sure i will pay the price one way or the other. i know i could be MUCH healthier if i would exercise. that being said, i am 35 yo w/ baseline FEV1 of about 45%; weight about 105 (just hit triple digits for...
  7. L can you make it last?

    azdesertrat, i am female, but i know what you mean about the feeling of worthlessness at times! i used to be SO hard on myself when i realized that i could no longer work a full-time job and financially contribute as much, and it took me a long time to put my health before my pride, but i have...
  8. L can you make it last?

    Social Security Disabilty (SSDI) is different than Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in that the amount of SSDI you receive is dependent upon how many work credits you've gained and that amount will not be affected by getting married (his income), nor will you lose your Medicare health...
  9. L can you make it last?

    my advice is to move on until you find one who doesn't make you feel inadequate but, instead, knows you are doing the best you can! they ARE out there, believe it or not ... i spent four years in a relationship w/ the "money-maker", thinking he must really love me because he stuck around, only...
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    Regular CT Scans?

    my CF doc always told me that a CT scan is much more detailed and can show more than a regular chest x-ray ... if i'm not mistaken, i think i have a CT scan once a year (or i might be thinking if it's been a while since the previous admission but doesn't necessarily come out to every year)...
  11. L

    Top 20 Mutation on our site

    interesting! i have yet to meet anyone else w/ 3659delC, but according to this there are 12 others on here...
  12. L

    anxiety meds that dont affect the lungs

    i never even knew i had anxiety until it hit me like a ton of bricks in 2007 (was admitted twice that year for depression/anxiety and panic attacks, that's how bad it was!) ... my CF team, working together w/ my newly acquired psychiatrist (LOL) , really wanted to stay away from benzos such as...
  13. L

    Alternatives to Aquadeks

    i could never "swallow" (pun intended) the ADEKs (is that same as Aquadeks?), so i started taking Source CF w/ no problem. however, i haven't heard anything about Source CF not being manufactured, is it just the chewables you're talking about or the softgels?
  14. L

    Survey about Mutations

    i, myself, am still concerned about putting my genome out there as i came across this article "No Privacy Guarantee for Genomic Data":
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    Chronic aches & pains

    thanks for the information, chris27rocker! i'll have to research more on that...
  16. L

    Chronic aches & pains

    i've been dealing w/ more severe and frequent joint pain since August, was referred to (by CF team) and now seeing a Rheumatologist to find out what's going on ... it might be that it's just CF-related, but they want to rule out everything else first. so far, i've been negative for RA, Lyme...
  17. L

    side effects from ceftazadime, please help very scared!

    i get hives on Ceftaz...
  18. L

    Interesting info for cf females

    hmmm... i'd never heard that one!
  19. L

    Need life advice - very personal

    i didn't quite understand from your initial post ... have you only applied for SSDI once? if so, keep in mind that most generally a person is always denied the first time! try again. i agree w/ trying to get set up w/ a psychiatrist as I've also been diagnosed w/ depression and anxiety and it's...
  20. L

    Azithromycin with NTM

    i had been on maintenance Azithromycin for several years. just recently we thought i might have MAC and my docs immediately discontinued Azithromycin. we've since found out the first culture was just a fluke, but docs have not advised to restart it.