Search results

  1. Simba15

    Zenpep and Losing Weight?

    I hae hosimoto's thyroid disease and a rare form of cf. so the pancreas, thyroid and pituitary work hand and hand.
  2. Simba15

    GI doc needed in CT

    never heard of him. where is he?
  3. Simba15

    Zenpep and Losing Weight?

    Has anyone heard of this:I am opposite most CFers. I need to lose 45 #. My dr put my on zen pep. Doc believes that if my pancreas is not functioning right, food is not digested and nutrients are not absorbed and my metabolism has shut down. Doc also believes that if pancreas is not working right...
  4. Simba15

    GI doc needed in CT

    I am looking for a GOOD GI doctor who is knowledgeable about CF in CT. I am not happy with Yale for many reasons. Can anyone refer me to someone who is good and works with adults?
  5. Simba15

    Getting older and gaining weight?

    I hit 50 and gained 45 lbs. I am now insulin resistant. I exercise daily, don't eat meat, dairy or carbs. I have to see a specialist to figure out why this is happening and how to stop it. I am FAT.
  6. Simba15


    Is anyone here taking metformin? what side effects have you had from it and did it help? I am asking b/c I might be getting on it soon. Thank you.
  7. Simba15

    CF friendly careers?

    Yes! Pick a varying schedule. If you can be self employed it is best IMO. You make your own hours based on how you feel. I was "let go" in retaliation for having CF. I will never disclose it on the job again - ever. Under FMLA you don't have to but I didn't know that. You can put "breathing...
  8. Simba15

    How bad is smoking pot?

    It IS against the law to have drugs in your system if you are driving and endangering the lives of others!
  9. Simba15

    How bad is smoking pot?

    I would not encourage anyone to break the law. Ordering a "pee kit" is breaking the law.
  10. Simba15

    How bad is smoking pot?

    VERY bad How bad? VERY bad. Smoking is bad for the lungs of all people. With CF your lungs are compromised. Smoking anything is going to tax them and make them work hard and quickly deteriorate them. DON'T DO IT.
  11. Simba15

    List of Mutations with Sympotoms

    Yes I am. There are only 162 of me in the world. They know little to nothing about my mutations.:rolleyes: Makes it very hard for me to get appropriate treatment.
  12. Simba15

    Insulin Resistance

    You have the opposite problem from me. I don't need to take any insulin. My body is making WAY too much of it.
  13. Simba15

    List of Mutations with Sympotoms

    Ok I figured it out. You hae to go down to the bottom and do a search. There are 162 of me in the database. This is good an bad. They know nothing about me and really can't help. They are guessing.
  14. Simba15

    List of Mutations with Sympotoms

    Thank you. I don't know if I am using the site correctly. I don't see either one of my mutations. ??
  15. Simba15

    Boarderline Panceratic Insufficiency

    Has anyone here ever tested normal for pancreatic insufficiency yet had all the symptoms of it? I thin that's me. I has a stool sample done and was told normal. I have excessive, foul gas, no matter what I eat. All my BM's are also foul, when that didn't used to be the case. I eat whole foods...
  16. Simba15

    List of Mutations with Sympotoms

    Does anyone know where I can find a list or chart of utation combinations and the symptomology associated with each? thank you.
  17. Simba15

    Advice on Stomach Issues?

    I have the same thing. I can't eat carbs no sugar, bread, pasta etc protein veggies and pb only. No dairy. It helped
  18. Simba15

    Has anyone been diagnosed post 30 years old??

    I was dx at age 50
  19. Simba15

    RIP Richard Weiss

    Richard Weiss who coined the phrase, 65 roses, passed away from CF. He was 52 years old. :( Rest in peace...