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  1. S

    Wheezy cough

    Archie has a wheezy cough at the moment. He is getting 3 new teeth and is allergic to egg, cows milk and peanuts (not severe but still allergic). His cough does not sound wet, just raspy/wheezy. He has had bronchiolitis in the past but that's it for colds/flu etc. Do you think this could be...
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    Wheezy cough

    Archie has a wheezy cough at the moment. He is getting 3 new teeth and is allergic to egg, cows milk and peanuts (not severe but still allergic). His cough does not sound wet, just raspy/wheezy. He has had bronchiolitis in the past but that's it for colds/flu etc. Do you think this could be...
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    Wheezy cough

    Archie has a wheezy cough at the moment. He is getting 3 new teeth and is allergic to egg, cows milk and peanuts (not severe but still allergic). His cough does not sound wet, just raspy/wheezy. He has had bronchiolitis in the past but that's it for colds/flu etc. Do you think this could be...
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    Rice Milk

    Archie is cows milk sensitive so since weaning I have been giving him rice milk mixed with 25mls of coconut milk to add some fat. I spoke to my Naturapath and he said I shouldn't use too much coconut milk as it wasn't a good fat (saturated). Archie's weight has always been good, he's about on...
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    Rice Milk

    Archie is cows milk sensitive so since weaning I have been giving him rice milk mixed with 25mls of coconut milk to add some fat. I spoke to my Naturapath and he said I shouldn't use too much coconut milk as it wasn't a good fat (saturated). Archie's weight has always been good, he's about on...
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    Rice Milk

    Archie is cows milk sensitive so since weaning I have been giving him rice milk mixed with 25mls of coconut milk to add some fat. I spoke to my Naturapath and he said I shouldn't use too much coconut milk as it wasn't a good fat (saturated). Archie's weight has always been good, he's about on...
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    Breastfeeding - no more milk - HELP!

    Thank you all for your advice. Somehow along the journey I have adopted a very disfunctional way of breastfeeding as I express for the two feeds during the day and then feed him at night from the booby. This is mainly because Archie is a bit of a bugger and wouldn't feed properly (too busy...
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    Breastfeeding - no more milk - HELP!

    My milk supply is drying up, just about gone. Archie is 11 months and for some reason my milk has decided to pack it in. I have tried expressing more but I can only get about 60-100 mls after 6 or more hours break. I would really like to keep feeding for a while longer but understand that...
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    Oregano Oil

    Can somebody tell me how much OO you would rub onto a nearly 10 month old baby's heals? And does anybody use this in Australia and where did you get it from?<br> <br> This is Archie with his first tooth
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    Calling Aussies whose bubba's or big babies use a Vest?

    Just wondering if anyone has a Vest for their child and if so, how did you obtain one and if you don't mind, how much did it cost?
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    Throat Swab Procedures

    Thanks all for your responses. Yes we go to Monash Medical centre in Melbourne Australia which is a cf clinic. His doc is the president for respiratory disease (the department) but I always seem to come away thinking that he doesn't do a thorough enough check on him. Next appointment I will push...
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    Milk Allergy and CF

    Archie is allergic to milk also but can have goats milk, so I use goats milk cheese and yoghurt. I have also just switched his formula from soy over to goats milk as well as soy doesn't seem to be too good due to all the phytgo-estrogen hormones and aluminium. I am still BF but just top up with...
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    When you visit your doctor

    Yes we live in melbourne Autralia and are going to Monash Medical centre which is an certified CF centre. I'm just wondering when they started doing swab tests? Does anyone know how uyoung they start to do these?
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    Natural Therapies

    By the way you have a very beautiful daughter <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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    Natural Therapies

    Hi Eli, I'm actually an Aussie too - live in Melbourne. That would be great if you could give me the contact details for it. I would love to grab some info on it to show my doc at next appointment. Thanks again
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    Flu & Pneumonia Shots

    Sorry That was me and Archie is 8 months now - best I change my signature.
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    genetic testing while pregnant??

    They will do an amniocentesis or similar (excuse spelling) to sample the amniotic fluid and determine whether your baby has CF. I'm not sure at what stage this is done, I think if they know what mutations you carry and they are relatively common, they can do it at approx. 12 weeks - I'm not 100%...
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    Natural Therapies

    Hi Jody, I don't think I have your hubby's correct email address - I have My email keeps coming back rejected??
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    Natural Therapies

    Thankyou so much Jody, you have been a great help. I will do some reading (more reading I should say - I feel I am forever researching - trying to do just that little bit extra which might make a difference) and will get back to you if I have any other questions. Once again, thank you so much...
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    The Vest

    Hi All, Does anyone know how early you can start to use the vest with a child? It appears to be approx. 2years old? I can't wait to get the vest, have been researching info, regarding them and they sound fantastic.