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    In need of vest:Any one interested in selling or donating their vest??

    Thanks I will check that thanks again
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    In need of vest:Any one interested in selling or donating their vest??

    Hi I live in Pakistan .I have a 3 year old daughter having cf. As every other cf parent I also want best treatment for my sick daughter but here in our country we do not have much resources for cf patients please help me have a vest so my daughter can get rid of painful procedure of suctioning...
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    Won't ask agin after today PROMISE

    What is meant by Mediastinal shift?
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    looks good
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    after 5 days doc decides to do bronch!

    Bronch? Plz elaborate
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    ciprofloxacin and azithromycin interactions

    Yes for now 14 days of cipro therapy and azithromycin on every alternate days
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    ciprofloxacin and azithromycin interactions

    Hi allDo Ciprofloxacin and Azithromycin interact with each other if taken at same time or same day? If so, what is proper length of time between taking both antibiotics?
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    Avoid hotels unless you want to run the risk of catching MRSA found in all hotels.

    the video was great -all of us must pay attention next time we check in a hotel room
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    can CREON capsules be kept in a refrigeorator?

    HiI have 4 months stock of creon 2500 units capsules for my daughter which will last in december the temperature is 38C-40C I was wondering if I can put the remaining capsules in the refrigeorator would that be ok or should I keep them at room temprature
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    What is considered disease progression?

    Which medicine she is on these days
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    Latest Vertex News: New data for F508del and G551D

    Its all very. Fancy medical talk but in simple words does that mean we r close to cure CF?
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    Staph problems

    SCARE CROW:You said u take azithromycine daily because you do not get resistance from it!Is this true ?If anyone else know something about azithromycin and resistance build up please tell me!
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    Glucose Tolerance Tests (GTT)

    155 was of the blood they took after orange flavoured sugary syrup right?
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    Whaat is podhaler don't mind my asking just new to this
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    Where do I turn??

    Hi I m 25 and have a daughter with CF you can ask anything u want feel free!
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    Does any one know how costly it would be just worried if common people like me would be able to afford it!
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    Swimming is a great thing as they say but every drop of Water contains lots of bacteria that immuno compromised people cannot cope with so as a cf kid mom I would keep my daughter away from water(swimming)
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    Yoga good

    Yoga is good for all I think thanks for sharing! Are there any free videos on youtube for beginners about yoga
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    Starting treatment for MAC: few questions

    My daughter has loss of appetite due to azithomycine 200mg/5ml which she has been taking since january on evey alternate day
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    how to turn 10,000 unit creon capsule into 2500 units creon capsule

    Thanks every one my confusion is very much resolved from your comments now I definitely know that it dosnt matter if I have 100000 unit capsule I can give my daughter 2500 units or as much as she needs thanks once again every one