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  1. I

    I Need a little Help to get me through the 14th.

    Hey, I just went through this In October. Last October (10-19-05) was my friend Nichelle's one year. It is hard becuase you want to remember the times you had with them, or in your case could have had with them. But just surround yourself with your family and or friends and things should be...
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    I need help with my brother!

    Hey this coming from an ex-smoker (im 19 w/o CF) But i do know what it is like for everyone to always be on your back about smoking. I do have a heart problem and i smoked for 8years. Finally after my boyfriend sat down with me and had a heart to heart about how it made him feel to watch me...
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    I totally agree with kybert but here is a nother thing to look for.... ...a good way to know if a tatoo artist is a good artist, they will have awards on display in there area, because they will be good enough to win awards and proud enough to show them off.
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    Hey ya'll I lost a friend like a year ago to this disease, she passes away October 19, 2004. It was hard for me because it such a shot time of knowing her she made such a differance in my life, i knew her for about 3 months, now that this date is coming up it is getting harder and harder for me...
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    Sweetie if a guy really loves you he will not care if you have CF or not.....Let me tell you a shot story..... My friend who just passed away was with her boyfriend for 1 year 9days. They had plans to get married and adopt and all that. Now when he first met her it took her like 2 weeks i...
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    Do you ever get jealous?

    Sweetie if a guy really loves you he will not care if you have CF or not.....Let me tell you a shot story..... My friend who just passed away was with her boyfriend for 1 year 9days. They had plans to get married and adopt and all that. Now when he first met her it took her like 2 weeks i...
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    This is very very true let me know how it works for you.
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    Hey all i can say is dont push the subject, she may be hurting herself you are right, but she is still young and sooner or later she will want to talk about it, she is still probally still dealing with the fact that she has this disease and is learning how to coap with it. Sooner or later she...
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    need someone 2 talk to?

    Hey I am totally here for you if you need someone to talk to. I do not have CF but as you can tell by my sn I did loose a friend to it and did some research so maybe I can help you out a bit if you need it. Email me anytime at Just in the subject say who you are...
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    I guess the best advice I could give you would be just maybe sit down with her and tell her how you are feeling. If she remains not a good friend than just tell her hey, you are not good for me right now, explain why, and let it me that and see what happens.
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    She Did It!!!!

    ErinsMommy~ Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is sooo cool!!!!!!! Well like lovingBenandCambree said hopefully you can go home soon.