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    CF Vertex research and government shutdown

    they will still continue to do studies since it will take 6 months to gather their data. the government will be back up long before then.
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    If I were to do a high protein/fat crash diet, would that be ok?

    Never cut calories. Work out more, work harder, do cardio. Just burn the fat and don't try to limit calories. Do you ever talk to a dietitian or nutritionist? I have been reading into your post history and you seem to be asking a lot of questions about diet and calories. You seem to be...
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    I'm a little confused with what happens when I don't take my pills

    Why are you limiting calories? You should be absorbing everything. And if you are trying to bulk up, calories is what makes you big. Not taking your enzymes will make you bloated and have a big gut.
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    Improving Pft's

    Exercise :p
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    How many of you are Redditors? If not, why aren't you?

    I visit this site a lot and There is a ton of useful information on Reddit for anyone. Just use the search and make an account first. You can then subscribe to the CF subreddit. Trying to help our community grow there.
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    Help! Newly diagnosed with CF related Diabetes

    I have not changed my diet at all. I carb count everything I eat and bolus (give insulin) based on what I eat. You don't really feel the impact of diabetes unless you have years of high blood sugar then you might feel tingling, numbess, loss of vision. Right now if your sugar is high you might...
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    Nothing coming up!

    I don't either.
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    Well, Monday is the day I'm going to start eating really healthy and working out hard

    Bulking up means you should eat more. Gallon of milk a day!
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    Probably, but it doesn't hurt people without CF.
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    Questions about PharmaNAC regarding CFRD

    I have started taking NAC and noticed I need less insulin and been getting more lows too.
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    diabetes anyone? helppppp

    The cause of CFRD is multifactorial. Pancreatic fibrosis due to inflammation secondary to obstruction of pancreatic ducts eventually involves pancreatic islet cells. There may also be an intrinsic functional abnormality in CF islet cells. Insulinopenia is a key feature of CFRD and results from...
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    how long do you give oral antibiotics before you give up?

    A week sounds normal. Sometimes two.
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    FEV1 and "percentages"

    I think it's the % predicted divided by actual % or something. Like she blew 2.4 liters and the % predicted would be 3.5. So that 68% function.
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    Anyone ever experience tingling and double vision?

    Yes, Hopkins. No albuterol. I've had ringing in my ear for almost 2 years since I took ibuprofen with IV Tobi. Sucks since I want the podhaler.
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    diabetes anyone? helppppp

    If that is true that would piss me off a lot. Doctors never say why they do a test. Just that you need it done. If it was true, would they have told me to diet and exercise like a pre type 2? I doubt it. They want us to eat everything and anything, sacrifice other parts for the good of our...
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    diabetes anyone? helppppp

    What do you mean let it go? I don't think there is a way to stop CFRD. The thick mucus will damage your islets in the pancreas no matter what.
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    Anyone ever experience tingling and double vision?

    I am diabetic but my sugars were fine every time. I've been on azithromycin for as long as I can remember, not IV though. My CF doctors have no clue. They keep telling me to see my GP and don't seem to have any ideas what it is. They were the ones who ordered the tests. Said they have never...
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    diabetes anyone? helppppp

    What do you eat normally? I find it hard to get rid of carbs. My A1C was 6.7 but I know every time I eat my sugar will spike and come back down.
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    Anyone ever experience tingling and double vision?

    This has happened three times now. The first time I was taking a nap, woke up, started coughing. I felt a rushing sensation over my body and the right side of my body started to tingle and I could not move my right leg. I also started to cough up blood. The second time I was sitting in a...
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    Feeling so tired and exhAusted

    I do. When I get up for work, take all my pills, do my treatments, then off to work. My nebs take about 3 min each.