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  1. H

    How do I beef up

    I have a 2.5 year old daughter who is SUCH a picky eater....and she eats like a is so incredibly frustrating...every single day, every single meal is hard for me to get through...I could've written your post... She is however in the 60th percentile for weight because of my secret...
  2. H

    How do I beef up

    I have a 2.5 year old daughter who is SUCH a picky eater....and she eats like a is so incredibly frustrating...every single day, every single meal is hard for me to get through...I could've written your post... She is however in the 60th percentile for weight because of my secret...
  3. H

    How do I beef up

    I have a 2.5 year old daughter who is SUCH a picky eater....and she eats like a is so incredibly frustrating...every single day, every single meal is hard for me to get through...I could've written your post... She is however in the 60th percentile for weight because of my secret...
  4. H

    My Husband Wants Another Child

    Have you looked into PGD? We are thinking about it....We have a 4 year old w/o CF...a 22 month old w/CF...I got my tubes tied during my c-section with my 22 month old....was afraid to take the chance...(we found out during my last pregnancy that we were carriers) Soooooooo...if we want to try...
  5. H

    Need opinions... please read

    mockingbird, Thanks for your reply. I agree with you that people are different, although...I thought that PA is PA and it would be nice if there was one right wayb to treat it and get rid of the art work
  6. H

    Need opinions... please read mentioned sputum daughter gets throat cultures that the same thing??? She doesn't cough or produce sputum
  7. H

    Need opinions... please read

    Thanks Carrie. Looks like your clinic does things the way my friends clinic does. So confusing and I just want to do the "right" thing............PLEASE kEEP the responses coming !!!!
  8. H

    Need opinions... please read

    wow Amy !! You weren't kidding....your opinion was nothing like either of ours....thank you so much for responding. You would do a broncoscope on a 21 month old that cultured PA once and has no symptoms at all? interesting......
  9. H

    Need opinions... please read

    What does everyone else do? My daughter who is 21 months old, just cultured PA for the 1st time last month. She just finished 28 days of Tobi/Cipro. On day 29 we did a repeat culture which we are waiting for the results..(should hear on Monday) It was non mucoid..if that helps.... Her doc...
  10. H

    I need help with food ideas for my toddler

    I too have a 19 month old daughter with cf. I've been singing the praises of Boost Pudding. It's 240 calories. My daughter eats 2 a day. They come in Chocolate, Vanilla and Butterscotch. You can ask your grocery store to order it for you, or do what we do and have Taget order it (the...
  11. H

    POLL: Did your insurance cover the vest?

    We just found out that our insurance company is only going to pay $2500.00 toward The Vest (which costs $16,425.00) and that we are responsible for the rest. Just curious as to what everyone else's experience has been. Thanks
  12. H

    introducting vest to toddlers

    My daughter is 19 months old and got the vest a month ago.... I told the vest company that I wanted them to send it to me first (they wanted to bring it the day of training..) I wanted it in the house for a few days to get her used to it...first we put it on her cabbage patch doll....then...
  13. H

    not eating

    here are a few suggestions for you... Boost Pudding (240 calories) Pediasure Shredded cheddar cheese Easy Mac (in the cup) Ramen noodles...after it's cooked...I drain all the water...and mix the flavor packet with the noodles Hope this helps...we struggle with this from time to
  14. H

    need help with a picky eater !!! son hit that "405" at the end of my post...sticky little fingers LOL
  15. H

    need help with a picky eater !!!

    Sharon, I wouldn't feel comfortable waiting to give her enzymes....she almsot always wants her pediasure as soon as she sits down....and liquid runs right she needs her enzymes for that, no? My husband is a physician and he insists that I give her enzymes first for that...
  16. H

    need help with a picky eater !!!

    ********* Thanks for the book suggestion !! I will order it for sure !!
  17. H

    need help with a picky eater !!!

    Thanks Sharon !! My daughter has no idea how stressed I am....I am WELL aware of how that effects feedings......It's just I said...if enzymes weren't involved I'd be much more laid back about it...and wouldn't be having these silent little nervous breakdowns..I have a 3 year...
  18. H

    need help with a picky eater !!!

    Hi everyone !! My 18 month old daughter has suddenly become a very picky eater...It's so frustrating and I'm white knuckling (sp?) it when it's time for a meal !!! I wouldn't be so anxious if she wasn't taking enzymes...She takes 4 creon 5's with it's not like I can try again in 30...
  19. H

    Newly diagnosed niece

    Hi Carol.. I hope you get this....I live in the Tampa Bay area and have a 15 month old daughter with CF. PLEASE email me.....I'd love to offer support and to help you guys out with doc info (at least our experience with it.....) We have amazing Physicians.....after leaving terrible ones ...
  20. H

    Newly diagnosed niece

    Hi Carol.. I hope you get this....I live in the Tampa Bay area and have a 15 month old daughter with CF. PLEASE email me.....I'd love to offer support and to help you guys out with doc info (at least our experience with it.....) We have amazing Physicians.....after leaving terrible ones ...