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  1. J

    IV antibiotics and Migraines

    I have only ever had one other migraine in my life - it was back in August, and it came seemingly out of nowhere, but I had the "warning signs" of a migraine aura, tingling/ numbness in my hand and face, before the actual headache started. I went to the ER and they gave me reglan and ibuprofen...
  2. J

    Mild Cyanosis of Fingernails

    Just curious if anyone else experiences this and if it's a cause for any concern? I've been noticing lately that my fingernails tend to be blue/purple-ish (starting near the cuticle and extending outwards). I've always had very very mild clubbing. O2 is good, although I've been getting bouts of...
  3. J

    anxious about not feeling good despite good numbers?

    Hello all. I don't come on these forums too often, but lately I've been struggling a bit and could really use some advice. I'm 21 w/ CF and have always been considered pretty healthy. My FEV1 is rarely below 100%, and I think the lowest it's ever been was around 90%. My resting O2 is never below...
  4. J

    Minocycline Side Effects?

    So lately I've had this particularly nasty cough, and I usually take Levaquin to treat the bacteria I have, but it hasn't been helping, so I've been trying new antibiotics to treat it. I've been taking Minocycline 5 days now and the good news is my cough has calmed down loads, but the bad news...
  5. J

    Paid Surveys for Cf Patients?

    Hello, I hope everyone is doing well! So I just wanted to share that I found this website called RarePatientVoice (I think I may have heard about it from some one on here?) which allows people with diseases considered "rare" to take surveys and occasionally get rewards in the form of gift...
  6. J

    Sleep Issues - Is This Common with CF?

    Does anyone else feel that the amount of sleep their body demands of them is just... way too much? I understand that getting plenty of sleep is especially important with CF, and I have been on antibiotics lately (the infection seems minor), but it just seems like way too much sleep for anyone to...
  7. J

    Zero Energy/Reliant of Caffeine

    Zero Energy/Reliant on Caffeine It seems as though I can't get through an entire day without some form of caffeine, often multiple cups of coffee in a day. I tried cutting back and drinking decaf because it can't be healthy, but I only lasted a little while before complete exhaustion caught up...
  8. J

    Very Low Body Temperatures?

    I keep getting reads of very low temperatures on my thermometer. I mean, it's probably a very cheap one, and at first I just thought it was a fluke, but this is the second instance in which I got these readings while not feeling well, and it's consistent. Last time was about a month ago, and it...
  9. J

    Advice on Stomach Issues?

    I've been having some stomach issues that I thought were a just a result of lots of antibiotics (I was on clarithromycin, ehtambutol, and riffampin for about a year, with added levaquin near the end, and then tobra and zosyn through IV for two weeks), but I've been off of all the antibiotics for...
  10. J

    PICC line chest pain?

    Hello everyone, I'm not on the forums very often, but I was just wondering if anyone has had experience with a PICC line and chest pain? This is only my third line, and it was put in yesterday morning - the other two were in my left arm, but there was too much scar tissue from the previous lines...
  11. J


    Hello, I was just wondering if anyone on here has ever had any experiences with petechiae? At least, I think that's what I've got going on right now, with a little help from google. I've seen it there before - little red and purple dots beneath the skin that don't itch, looks like something...
  12. J


    Hello! So, I have been having quite a bit of hair/skin/nails problems lately and was just wondering if any one else on here has experienced similar issues, or if it's even CF-related at all. I'm 19 and have cystic fibrosis, and have always had rather sensitive skin. I can't really use anything...
  13. J

    Bronchoscopy Question?

    I posted this in "Teenagers and Young People" already but it was suggested I post somewhere else, so this is a repost, hope that's okay. I actually posted this yesterday but i'm still experiencing the same symptoms. I haven't been able to get in contact with my doctor, so i was just hoping I...
  14. J

    Bronchoscopy Question?

    I'm not even quite sure if I'm posting this under the correct category, but I hope this is alright. I'm eighteen years old, I have CF, and I just got my first bronchoscopy this morning. It's eleven at night right now, I'm starting to feel feverish again (cold, aches and pains - I had a short...