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  1. K

    Low Ferritin and Iron Levels- is this common with CF?

    My ferritin has been very low for about a year. At first my doctor wasn’t that concerned about it(a year ago when I had my first low test result), but a year later after trying to improve my levels with diet, he is now concerned and prescribed over the counter iron supplements. I’ve been on them...
  2. K

    Orkambi and Rash?

    Has anyone else had a rash after starting Orkambi? I know as side effects go this is a minor one, but it is really driving me crazy. It is popping up all over my body and is itchy and a little burning. I work with dogs and out near poison Oak a lot so I'm just trying to figure out if this is an...
  3. K

    Gurgling/bubbles back of throat

    When I lay down at night on my back from time to time get what I would describe as gurgling or fizzing or popping noises in the back of my throat. It sounds like something popping or bubbling. I imagine this description will only make sense to people that it happens to. Do most people...
  4. K

    Aspergillus Questions? Eradication, determine cause?

    I have a couple of questions regarding Aspergillus. 1) Have many people been able to eradicate Aspergillus? I've cultured it off and on but never been treated for it and my doctor is considering treating me for it. 2) People who have had positive results and treated for it, have you had tests...
  5. K

    Ever set off a smoke alarm while doing treatments?

    If you haven't you should feel thankful. I'm on a WindStar Cruise ship right now and every time I do my nebulous we treatments I set off a smoke alarm. It is apparently a very sensitive smoke alarm and the captain claims there is nothing they can do to prevent it because it is hard wired into...
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    Tetracycline side effects?

    Has anyone ever been on Tetracycline? Any major side effects you have had? My MRSA is now resistant to Septra, so my doctor wants to try this one. We'll see. Thanks!
  7. K

    How many adult CFers work from home?

    How many Adult CFers work from home & if so, what do you do? I'm really tired of picking up colds from my coworkers who come to work sick & giving me horrible colds that lead to lung exacerbations. I just don't understand why people feel the need to come to work & spread their germs...
  8. K

    When does your port stop hurting?

    I got a port placed a little over a week ago & my body still doesn't seem to have accepted that its there permanently. It hurt like hell for a few days & now is a dull pain, but I still feel like I shouldn't lift things & when I cough I feel like I'm irritating it. How long does it take for a...
  9. K

    Zyvox Acne Rash Advice

    I was reading in a forum awhile ago about someone mentioning that when they are put on Zyvox that they get a acne-type rash on their face/chest. I didn't respond at the time, but I should have. I was told that this is similar to a yeast infection on your face/chest & that the way to get rid of...