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  1. J

    mama - possible CF - Question

    Hi, My 9 year old son is diagnosed with CF. I have an 11 year old that is just a carrier (several poly's but still carrier). Here is where my question comes in to those that were diagnosed as adults. I believe even a few were diagnosed after their children. I have had a cough for almost 2...
  2. J

    Pancreas or gallbladder problems?

    Hi, My 9 1/2 year old son has had GI issues since birth. He is PI and on Creon. He also suffers from bacterial overgrowth which he does a 10 on 4 off schedule of Flagyl. Also on Prevacid. He has had increased nausea almost every time he eats (within 15-30 minutes), and several bouts of pain...
  3. J

    Genetically Confirmed after 2 years

    I just want to share that after 2 years of minor questioning (my part as well as a couple of the doctors - not CF) my 9 year old son is genetically confirmed. Two and a half years ago we were known to have 1 mutation, 3 poly's, double 7t and have passed the sweat test. Clinically he showed...
  4. J

    Hyperinflated lungs?

    Hi, I posted several posts this week about some concerns with my 9 year old son. Luckily, the horribly low PFT's was a fluke, the doctor confirmed the problem with the machine. That being said, he was started on anitbiotic and prednisone for increased cough and pain in the lower left abdomin...
  5. J

    PFT Drop Question

    Hi, I had Justin at the ped's yesterday. He has recently had an increase in non-productive cough and pain in his left lower abdomen (where he has had his pneumonia's in the past). He has had the pain since Friday (Sunday really bad) but seemed much better yesterday after school. I almost...
  6. J

    Pseudomonas question?

    Hi, I have a question for those who have children that have cultured psudomonas without many symptoms or only a non-productive cough. Could you please tell me more? My son Justin (9) has had some problem since last Feb. From Feb to June he had a drop in his small airways (25-75) from a high...
  7. J

    grunting sound?

    My just turned 9 year old son has just started developing a cough with a grunting sound. He says he is not trying to clear his throat. He also has severe nausea (at least once a day) and tummy pain that are (we are assuming) from his bacterial overgrowth in his intestines. Does anyone have...
  8. J

    Bacterial intestinal overgrowth

    Does anyone have any experience with bacterial intestinal overgrowth? My just turned 9 year old son has had this issue for a while. It was first diagnosed last spring (probably had a lot longer) and he is on his third round of Flagyl. He may be on constant cycles. He gets severe nausea and...
  9. J

    Question about drop in PFT's - 25-75

    Hi, I have a question that maybe someone might have thoughts on. My 8 year old son has had several "infections" or flares since Feb. In March he had just finished a round of predn and his 25/75 was at the highes it has been for him, a 97%, 25 was 99%, 50 was 83% and 75 was 71%. I am assuming...
  10. J

    Bounce House

    Does anyone know if CF kids can go into a bounce house? I thought I read no, but just wanted to make sure. Thanks!!!!
  11. J

    Bronchititis question

    Hi, My beautiful 8 year old son came down with bronchitis almost 2 weeks ago. He started to cough and after his Great Strides walk over a week ago on Saturday, was pretty sick. He ended up on steroids (9 days) and antibiotic (14 days). He is just finishing the oral steroids and still on...
  12. J

    Question about F1052V and Drugs on the Pipeline

    Hi, My son has F1052V and (the doctors agree) a duplication/deleation mutation that he has not been tested for yet (they did not test for these in his sequencing). My question is, does anyone know which group of mutations (F1052V) would fall under for the new drugs coming on the pipeline? I...
  13. J

    F1052V - Question about Pipeline drug classification

    Hi, My son has F1052V and (the doctors agree) a duplication/deleation mutation that he has not been tested for yet (they did not test for these in his sequencing). My question is, does anyone know which group of mutations (F1052V) would fall under for the new drugs coming on the pipeline? I...
  14. J

    Great Day for a Super Hero

    I wanted to post some good news. I usually only post with concerns, but today I want to share pride and good news. My 8 year old Super Hero will be throwing out the first ball of the season for one of our local colleges on behalf of CF. Also, he has rasied $11,000 for Great Strides so far...
  15. J

    Thoughts on Missing Recess

    Hi, I would like any input on how reasonable this situation is. My 8 year old Cf'er (2nd grade) has been kept in from recess all week and several days last week because of falling behind in writing assignments. This is our first year of public school. While I understand the importance of...
  16. J

    another cold?

    Hi, I have a question about normal frequency of colds/virus thoughout the winter. My son, 8 years old, had a rough year last year when he was diagnosed. He had 4 bacterial infections back to back. He had either a bacterial or viral (put on antibiotic because of exerbation) in August and...
  17. J

    Asthma question

    Hi, My son Justin (8) was diagnosed last year. We have had a relativly calm 6 months, other than a couple of respiratory viral infections that lasted about a month total. Starting last week, Justin developed a non-productive cough that gets worse with exercise. He would cough up to 30 times...
  18. J

    Help Please - Problem with the School

    Hi, My 8 year old son is new to his public school this year. We have an agreement with the school under his 504 (or at least I thought we did) that if a flu epidemic hits his school we would be made aware and (my understanding) that he would be out until it passes. Justin can not have the flu...
  19. J

    Cold - When to call the doctor?

    Hi, This is our first full winter with Justin's (8) cf diagnosis. I do not remember (or know for sure) when to call the doctor with a "cold". Everytime Justin has been sick in the past, it went from one or two coughs to a fever and clearly sick within 24 hours. This time, he has had a cough...
  20. J

    Question - Cold when to call the doc

    Hi, This is our first full cold/flu season since my 8 year old son's diagnosis last Feb. Last year he had one pneumonia after the other between Feb and April (3 plus stuff on bronch we had to treat). He can not get a flu shot because of egg allergy, so I know to call the CF clinic ASAP if he...