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    It's best to leave it at that... The best book I can recommend is "Choosing God's Best" or perhaps "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" this one is written by Josh Harris, he also wrote "When Boy meets Girl". Very good books. I got divorced over 2 years ago and thought "well now i'll go out and date...
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    Karen, I'm glad they were able to diagnose your son before he got much older... if he is anything like other CF patients diagnosed a little later, he probably had many smaller problems or got sick often and they finally put it together to test for CF. My youngest son, Billy, has cf, diagnosed...
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    Not enough sweat.

    Tammi, Are they using the gauze discs to collect the sweat or the little plastic disc with the tubing inside? The gauze discs will collect the smallest of samples where the other one needs much more sweat in order for it to travel up the tubing... both use the chloride solution to stimulate...
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    What to take to the hospital for 19 month old?

    I would suggest you take her enzymes, and vitamins... depending on the nurses and whether your daughter will be in a CF section (they may not know or understand the enzymes) and a list of all the meds she does take with doses. Take her toys (you really do not want her to play with the toys...
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    infections in daycare

    I have had both experiences with daycare... the very first daycare I put my son in when he was 2, he got a lung infection with RSV. He had been in child care since 4 months old but usually someone's home with less than 5 kids. He returned to a home care setting and did fine... we moved and the...
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    Baby in NICU

    Julie and Jenn, Well, that is good news... about being able to bring a suit against a military doctor... I too am not one to suggest lawsuits but... this is extreme neglience on that doctor's part. Glad things went well with the surgery to reconnect his bowels and that he is alert and all...
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    Baby in NICU

    Wow, what a journey you have been on... and I started crying when you told of how after the ventilator was removed he kept on breathing and you got to take him home the next day!!! Praise God. God must have a plan for your little bundle of joy- Andrew. What a cute baby. I know being a...
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    Question about cultures

    We are always given a cup and told if he can cough something up then put it in the refrigerator and bring it the next day or so. I agree with doing the sinus rinse at the office... Also just a thought, but perhaps it is time for IV antibiotics to get rid of the infection or longer use of the...
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    New with Questions

    Lyssa, I have to agree with others... if your older son is being treated for acute asthma, it would be best to have him tested for CF. I have a friend whose son went 12 years being treated for asthma when he actually has CF and he was very sick by the time they finally diagnosed him. It could...
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    Sinus problems

    One thing is do you know what is causing the congestion? Does she has seasonal allergies to pollen or perhaps to a pet? A good allergy medicine through the allergy seasons would be beneficial... my son is 10- over the last few years we have tried several different meds and most work for...
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    Living or Dying with Cystic Fibrosis, The Parents Fight for Life, The State Enforces Death.

    RE: Living or Dying with Cystic Fibrosis, The Parents Fight for Life, The State Enforces Death. One more suggestion would be to contact your state senator- the one in your state senate... and even contact the governors office... let them know everything that has happened. Also, you can look...
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    Living or Dying with Cystic Fibrosis, The Parents Fight for Life, The State Enforces Death.

    RE: Living or Dying with Cystic Fibrosis, The Parents Fight for Life, The State Enforces Death. I would urge you to contact the following lawyer... I'm not sure what exactly the work she does, but she has CF and does many different types of cases dealing with disabilities and espeically those...