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  1. L

    Medic Alert

    Do I really need to wear a medic alert? I don't see why I would, I'm not allergic to any meds or anything, what about CF would make them dp treatment any differently? I'm confused, I don't see why I would need one of these, but I see people on here talking about them...
  2. L

    "why me?"

    oh that last post was me, I just forgot to log in. As far as the rest of you saying at 19 I could pretend I didn't have CF and this and that... I'm in the hospital every 3 months... I'm not one of the "healthy ones"
  3. L

    "why me?"

    To all of you who complain, and complain about your health problems. Do you think maybe you should be thankful? You complain that you've had to have a surgery, that caused you to take more medication to keep your body from rejecting a new organ, or your sinuses became blocked again, all sorts of...
  4. L


    I was wondering, how would I know what mutations I had? I was never given a blood test for CF just a sweat test. How would I go about finding this information, would there have to be a specific test done, or something I would need to do? Very confused!
  5. L

    how to gain weight?

    how to gain weight? Hey this is Amber, I just got outta the hospital for a tune up, and while my lung function is back up, and has been consistantly better, I can't seem to gain my weight back! It's making me crazy! I can't get higher then 96lbs! I need some tips, or recipies, or something! If...
  6. L

    Warning: Very graphic!!

    Well, it's not all sunshine and lollypops, and sometimes when you get down, you get really down. People here understand that, and have been thorough it, are going through it, or have seen it (at least to some degree) I do agree that as tragic as CF is, people refuse to see the good things it...
  7. L


    The best thing is my outlook on life! I see what it's like to be different, I see what it's like to be the outsider, and with that I've learned to accept people of all kinds, I get truly appreciate the gift of life we all have but few take time to be thankful for, because they never realize it's...
  8. L

    Tired of Statistics, Anyone????

    I agree as much as I don't here... Some days I really feel great and like I can do anything, just like everyone else. Then I think, this isn't even as good as normal, I don't know what normal is to know if I feel that way! It is overwhelming though, I go to get PFT's and I worry, I go get...
  9. L

    Wheezing and Joint Pain

    I always have horrible joint pain in my ankles, I never relaited it to being sick or having infections, because they seem to be brought on by cold, cold water, walking on cold floors, cold weather. My dr's could never figure this out, they think it might be because most people with CF have mild...
  10. L

    cfers dating cfers???

    My Dr. has always said this was a bad idea, like CF summer camps and all that. If one has an antibiotic resistant infection or something of that nature they can easily infect the other. I've never dated anyone with CF because of that, and when I do date, I'm really careful about being around...
  11. L

    AD and CF?

    I have been diagnosed with ADD and with CF, ADD (attention deficit disorder) when I was in 3rd grade and CF at 5 months. These two things are totally unrelaited. Although if you are concerned that this child is acting out, or being disruptive, it might stem from the fact he feels like he dosen't...
  12. L

    to tell or not?

    When I was in my early teens I didn't like to tell people cause I wanted to fit in, but then I realized, fitting in isn't any fun, and not even that important. If someone is into me I tell them like "hey you know how I cough a lot, and I'm skinny... well... it's because of this" and I try to...
  13. L

    Dating Experience

    I didn't get my first kiss till I was 16 either, and even then it was a quick peck on the lips, nothing exciting! I don't think CF affected how I matured "sexually" but it made me a really late bloomer, which made it hard to attract guys, being I looked like them when they were about, 10yrs old...