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    Original Photographs by:Nick Pfab For Transplant Charity

    Original Photographs by: Nick Pfab of Halifax, Nova Scotia Check out eBay items: 7380378382, 7380378715, 7380378858, 7380379048, 7380379222 Sales to benefit the COTA fundraising campaign of Martha Andrus, who is in need of a life saving double lung transplant due to Cystic Fibrosis. These...
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    My Lung TX site

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>lgautier</b></i><br>These websites are such a great idea. I visited Martha's and was sooo impressed with it. It is so professional. I will be going down this road soon with my husband and don't know where to begin. Fundraising is such an...
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    My Lung TX site

    My wife has done the same here is a link to her site: <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">A Miracle For Martha </a> The website is a lot of work to keep up (we use it for fundraising as well) we are lucky because my sister has donated her time...
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    CF Spouses

    I have not been to this forum in a long while, so I am probably getting in a little late on this one, but I appreciate this thread very much. It is true, everything in my life is all about Martha and her CF from what home we buy to where we go out to eat (smoking & parking issues). I really...
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    How to make my partner more comfortable with CF

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>cfgirl2008</b></i><br>I hope Martha gets better!! tiffany 15 w/cf<hr></blockquote> Thanks...Me Too...She is an awsome person...I am afraid I would be lost without her.
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    How to make my partner more comfortable with CF

    Hey I have been with Martha (30 w/CF) for over 10 years. Martha is fairly sick, her FEV1 is in the mid 20?s, and we have probably only had 10 hours of serious gloom and doom discussion during our entire relationship (most of them in the past few months). Martha was a bit healthier when we met...
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    CF Spouse New To Forum

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>debs2girls</b></i><br>Jesse, have you checked out yet? I just wondered if it helped. Debbie<hr></blockquote> I did check out the Well Spouse Association website. It looks great, but they do not have a support group in my...
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    CFperson and SEX!!!!!!!!!!!

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>SeanDavis</b></i><br>The only time I overexert myself during sex is when they run farther away than usual...I wish they wouldn't do that <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"><hr></blockquote> Now that's funny...good stuff!
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    Get um while yah can...I know in Martha's case..she will not get any more after transplant...a little more risk involved. Martha (30/W CF) has two tattoos...she had no problems other than being a wuss! The LizzardQueen and the people on the web-site are really cool so check...
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    CF Spouse New To Forum

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>lflatford</b></i><br>Hi Jesse, I am not a CF spouse but a CF mother. We live in Knoxville, TN! (How about them VOLS!?) I hope everything goes well with your wife and family! This forum has many wonderfuly people who can help from anywhere...
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    CF Spouse New To Forum

    Liz & Julie, Yep, Martha has been telling me about this site for at least a year and I am just now getting on. I noticed it was mostly ladies on here and I felt like I would be out of place...I told Allie I kind of felt like a weenie on here...but now that I think about it...nothing wrong with...
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    Transplant Preparation

    Everyone, Thanks for your thoughts and advice, the photos were very helpful! Not as bad as I thought, I know we will make it through this! JoAnne. Thankfully Martha's Mother will be with her before and after the transplant. I am going to try to fly up during weekends while she is waiting...
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    MANY Questions About Transplants

    When I saw the photos (which helped me a bunch), I yelled for my wife Martha so that we could look at them together. We both agreed that it did not look as bad as we thought. Martha is very familiar with the chest tubes, she had to have them due to a collapsed lung that occurred during the...
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    Transplant Preparation

    My wife is preparing for a double lung transplant at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, we are in the Chattanooga, TN area so she will have to relocate in late December. I have to stay home to work, I plan on flying to Pittsburgh as soon as I get the call that she is going into surgery...
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    CF Spouse New To Forum

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr>Hello Jesse, I just wanted to tell you about a site I accidently stumbled on....well the address anyway. It is I hope this works for you and it gives you a source of comfort and information. <hr></blockquote> Thanks, I will check out this site!!!Jesse
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    CF Spouse New To Forum

    Thanks to everyone for your support. I have been checking out the site, I think I might hang out here...Jesse
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    CF Spouse New To Forum

    Hello everyone, my name is Jesse and my wife Martha who is 30 has CF and is awaiting a double lung transplant. She is listed for her transplant at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, we live in the Chattanooga, TN area, so she will be relocating to Pittsburgh after Christmas (without...