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  1. J


    Hi Guys, Well, I really have to wonder about mine. For the past 8 months, I have done the Albuterol neb, Hypertonic Saline, Vest, and Pulmozyme. Everything is twice a day, done separately, and in the order listed. I NEVER miss. So I started about 5 months ago exporing different ways to do...
  2. J

    Low Progesterone Levels

    Okay, I'm not jumping back on the "baby bandwagon" but... I am getting a period every 30 days like clockwork; however, the OV kits don't seem to ever get a real dark second line. The line is faintly there but not real dark. Sometimes my temps aren't quite right either. Also when I'm supposed...
  3. J

    Hey, the CF Pharmacy is closed due to an emergency

    Hey, what crap! I can't refill my Pulmozyme until I'm almost out of it. Well, I have only enough until Monday and called yesterday to refill it. What a surprise on the machine. Now what??? I'm going to try and call my doc. What crap!!! If I stretch it to once a day, I'll have enough until...
  4. J

    Exercise, spotting, infertility, and some background

    I wasn't really too sure where to post this. I need some suggestions... Well, I thought this past month I would try one last time to conceive. I switched to Mucinex instead of Robitussin and drank (7) 12 oz. glasses of water a day along with my (3) 12 oz. glasses of milk. Yes, I was...
  5. J


    I am sorry if I offend anyone by posting this in the adult section!!! I did also post it in the pregnancy section, but this is CF-related too. It may benefit other CF women if I share my experiences here. Again, sorry to offend anyone!!! Many of you know on this site that my husband and I...
  6. J


    Well, the bacterial cultures for my greenish strecked/tinted mucus came back NEGATIVE as did the yeast cultures! The doctors are conviced that it is the CF that is causing the problem with conceiving. This is what I thought but was too afraid to really find out for the past few months... I...
  7. J


    Well, I had my GYN appointment on Friday (a little over 1 week ago). I mentioned the symptoms or rather lack of. I told her basically that the main reason that I was there was because of the green-tinted discharge. I told her that I had no odor, no itching or burning of any kind. Well, she...
  8. J


    Okay, I don't want to get graphic, but... I think that I finally know that the fertility issue is...My cervical mucus!!! Yes, I am taking the Robitussin, but this is what has/is happening. Okay, I was crampy Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I think on Thursday I ovulated b/c then the cramping...
  9. J


    Hey Everyone, I was just wondering if any of you do yoga? My doctor has recommended that I try it since we are "trying too hard to conceive". So I ordered a DVD to see if it's at least something I would be into. It's called Fertility Yoga with Monica Morell, Ph.D. It's a 50-minute DVD and...
  10. J


    Hey Everyone, Lets drop a few lines for her. I know she'll love to see all your words of happiness and encourgement. Her first baby shower is sometime today, and I know how much she was looking forward to it. It felt so surreal to her. Her eyes will probably be gushing with happy tears...
  11. J


    I wasn't going to post this, but I'm so excited that I can't help it!!! Yesterday, Friday, I had a checkup after 4 months. I hadn't been there since November 17th. I knew it would be a good visit, except for my sinuses, but I had no idea it would be that good!!! I went from 105 lbs to 113...
  12. J


    WOW!!! It was completely by accident! My husband, Jake, works for a car dealership. He started there about 4 months ago. After he was there for about 2 months, I told them that I had CF. Jake and I had stopped in for his check, and I just mentioned it. Neither one of us knew that they...
  13. J


    I FAILED THE 2-HOUR GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST!!! My doctor called Friday morning around 9:00 am. That was how I started my 3-day weekend with Jake. Nice, huh? This is what my numbers were: Fasting baseline # was 95. NORMAL: 6?-112. - PASSED One hour after the drink # was 208. NORMAL: 1??-200. -...
  14. J


    Sorry for closing this thread to those of you interested. This thread was not meant to offend or intrude upon anyone's privacy. I only mentioned this story b/c it has been 9 years, and I thought it was safe to share. I also hoped that just maybe someone knew of her. Sorry for any problems...
  15. J

    Considering moving.......

    I know that many of you have lived in different states within the United States. So I thought I'd ask: 1.) Why did you move? 2.) Did you have a close family or not? 3.) Did your CF play a part in it? 4.) Which states have better insurance? 5.) Which states have little to no humidity? My...
  16. J

    Having trouble falling asleep

    Hi Everyone, I need some advice. For about the past 1.5 months, I've noticed that the minute I try to fall asleep I tend to start crackling and sometimes wheezing. I start to drift off to sleep. Then the next thing I know, I have to cough which wakes me up. The cough is productive...
  17. J

    First Sign(s) of Pregnancy

    Just curious? Please share.
  18. J

    Thanks for the all the great fertility advice.

    Well at least this month, January, I did. Like I stated before, for about 9 months we tried with nothing. No charting, ovulation tests, cervical mucus check, Robitussin, or anything else. Then for about the past 3 months (November, December, January) I tried adding the Robitussin and...
  19. J


    Hi Girls, I think many of you know that my husband and I have been trying for quite awhile. First, we tried for about 1 year without anything. No kits, basal temps, or anything. Nothing happened! Well, two months ago I decided I had enough of just trying naturally so I bought ovulation kits...
  20. J


    I tried to figure it out but couldn't. I also searched the help topics but that didn't really help either. Thanks, Jennifer 25 w/CF