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    swelling ankles - new med

    Okay, I caught another cold and it is eating my lungs up again. Doctor put me on a new med called Avelox. It is in the same family at Cipro. Anyway, my ankles are beginning to swell which they sometimes did when I took Cipro and when I mention it to the doctors they tell me to just drink more...
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    Sonic Cough!

    LOL When I play hide and go seek now the oxygen cord is a dead give away. I always loose at that game. Katie
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    Sonic Cough!

    LOL I use my cough to warn my children I am heading up the stairs to check on them when all goes quiet and I know they are suppose to be cleaning their rooms. They scramble so fast it is funny. I also use my cough when we are in the store and my husband and I have gone separate ways. I can...
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    Hello Everyone

    Risa - Thank you for looking at my art and enjoying it. It doesn't take to much energy to do it but finding time to do it is another matter. I do think that my art is soothing and it gives me some down time from normal life. I have offered to donate something to our local CF black tie...
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    Out of H. Saline

    Meleah I am on the 3% solution that comes in the 15 ml vials like you get. I use the needles to draw it out also and was told to use it once and throw the rest away. What a waste! What I do is in the morning I draw my first dose and squirt it into the neb making sure I don't touch anything to...
  6. D down?

    I couldn't get on either. Katie
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    Hello Everyone

    LOL littlemisssilly my uterus is still calling. If I was healthy enough I would LOVE to have more but right now I have to live for the ones I have. I had to stop holding babies about two years ago because they just made my heart get all up tight and then I would get sad and depressed because I...
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    Hello Everyone

    Well, until I got on here I never knew there was more then one type of Pseudomonas so I have no idea if I have more then one strain of it. I have been taking Tobi for at least eight years though it may be longer. It was a year ago when I got the pneumonia after the gall bladder surgery that...
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    Hello Everyone

    Emily, I have pseudomonas and have become resistant to Tobi and maybe even Cipro. We aren't sure about the Cipro yet but taking it every other month for six months the last time didn't do any good and I had to go into the hospital. Hopefully with some rest my body will accept it again...
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    Hello Everyone

    Oh, my husband might post on here now and then too. His name is Phillip and he logs in as Temoin. Katie
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    Hello Everyone

    Nope, the next nearest one is a two-hour drive and they only have clinic once a month and the wait to be seen is terrible. All the doctors from there come down here once a month to see everyone down south but it is still the same group of doctors. The New CF adult doctor is really nice and the...
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    Hello Everyone

    Actually when I was in the hospital last the doctor asked me if I was even interested in it. Well, I'm NOT interested in dying so of course I'm interested in a lung transplant. I am terrified of a lung transplant but if that is what it comes down to then that is what I will have to do. Around...
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    Hello Everyone

    Hello everyone! I wanted to take a minute to finally introduce myself. I have been hovering and posting a little over the last two weeks. My husband found this group for me due to some depression I have been going through due to CF complications. I have to admit that this is exactly what I...
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    would anyone be able to help me?

    Helen, when I was 16 I was told I needed one and I had no say in it. I was terrified of the surgery and fought them on it so instead the told me I could learn to put one down my nose every night into my stomach. Each morning I could remove it and be completely normal. As hard of a decision as...
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    How much do you cough up during treatments

    Autogenic drainage is lots of hard work and I get tired doing it after about ten minutes. I was taught to do it years ago but have the vest and aucapella now but there are times where they still don't get it out and I can feel it sitting there so I do some Autogenic drainage and it moves it out...
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    talking to your partner about sex

    I find for me that I get too tired for sex by the end of the day and if my husband is interested there is a 99% chance he isn't getting any. Meds, kids, and exercise just takes it all out of me and the last thing I want to do is some amazing acrobatics with an oxygen cord attached to my face...
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    To those who DID get pregnant with CF....

    When my husband and I got married we decided just to leave it up to God and if it was meant to be than we would have children. We ended up coming home from our honeymoon early because I was feeling queasy and sick then discovered three months later I was pregnant. My second child we wanted...