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  1. A

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Okay, I have thought of another question that may be outside your realm, but I appreciate your expertise and think you may be able to point me in the right direction. Of course we are thankful that the median life expectancy for CF is now 37. Is anyone tracking the median life expectancy by...
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    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Steve, My daughter (almost 3) has double Delta f508, diagnosed in a newborn screen. She has been relatively healthy, having had a few exacerbations, definite pancreatic insufficiency, but no hospitalizations. I'm trying to be an educator and advocate for CF to those I know. And I'm...
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    CF Clinic Vs Single Doctor

    Hello!  I will soon be relocating to the Dallas area.  Can you tell me why you chose FW over Dallas, and how long ago it was that you were there?
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    CF Clinic Vs Single Doctor

    Hello!  I will soon be relocating to the Dallas area.  Can you tell me why you chose FW over Dallas, and how long ago it was that you were there?
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    CF Clinic Vs Single Doctor

    Hello!  I will soon be relocating to the Dallas area.  Can you tell me why you chose FW over Dallas, and how long ago it was that you were there?
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    CF Centers in Texas

    I want to cry for you!  I'm so sorry you're going through this.  Nice to hear that someone comes from Ft. Worth periodically.  I was going to suggest FW before I even read that.  Even if you have to do the driving, I would definitely pick FW over Dallas.  At the wrong time of day that could be...
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    CF Centers in Texas

    I want to cry for you!  I'm so sorry you're going through this.  Nice to hear that someone comes from Ft. Worth periodically.  I was going to suggest FW before I even read that.  Even if you have to do the driving, I would definitely pick FW over Dallas.  At the wrong time of day that could be...
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    CF Centers in Texas

    I want to cry for you!  I'm so sorry you're going through this.  Nice to hear that someone comes from Ft. Worth periodically.  I was going to suggest FW before I even read that.  Even if you have to do the driving, I would definitely pick FW over Dallas.  At the wrong time of day that could be...
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    Daughter Resisting Albuterol

    My 10 month CF daughter hasn't been very sick so far, which has prevented us from dealing with much with the respiratory side of things.  She was given some albuterol back in March, and it was great.  Well, she has the worst cough and wheezing that she's had so far, and so on Fri her gen peds dr...
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    Daughter Resisting Albuterol

    My 10 month CF daughter hasn't been very sick so far, which has prevented us from dealing with much with the respiratory side of things.  She was given some albuterol back in March, and it was great.  Well, she has the worst cough and wheezing that she's had so far, and so on Fri her gen peds dr...
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    Daughter Resisting Albuterol

    My 10 month CF daughter hasn't been very sick so far, which has prevented us from dealing with much with the respiratory side of things.  She was given some albuterol back in March, and it was great.  Well, she has the worst cough and wheezing that she's had so far, and so on Fri her gen peds dr...
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    first CF Clinic Appt coming up

    Everyone has given you good information.  They've told you exactly what I would have said.  I would like to reiterate how helpful it will be to you if you take a list of questions.  You already know much more than we did before we got the "summons".  I didn't even know what to ask, so the great...
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    first CF Clinic Appt coming up

    Everyone has given you good information.  They've told you exactly what I would have said.  I would like to reiterate how helpful it will be to you if you take a list of questions.  You already know much more than we did before we got the "summons".  I didn't even know what to ask, so the great...
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    first CF Clinic Appt coming up

    Everyone has given you good information.  They've told you exactly what I would have said.  I would like to reiterate how helpful it will be to you if you take a list of questions.  You already know much more than we did before we got the "summons".  I didn't even know what to ask, so the great...