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    Hi there, my name is Lynn.....I want you to know that what you are feeling is exactly what I went through when my daughter was diagnosed at the age of 7 1/2 months. I was alone, a single mom....with an uncertain future and a child that was ill, but otherwise looked healthy. I felt lost.....I...
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    Leaving for good

    I think that the moderators of this site should make it so that you have to register and sign in, in order to leave a can still remain anonymous to the public by altering your name and so on.....but as far as I am concerned there are way to many "Anonymous" posts as it...
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    Cure for CF??? "The spice of life perhaps"

    CHANELLE.......I was truly touched by your message to me....I cried tears of sadness for you, for the one child already diagnosed with CF and tears of hope and I pray for you when your other 3 will be tested. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope for good news when you return to...
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    Does anyone ever go into 'chat' on here?

    Hi David...I'm LynnWhere abouts you from? What is your affiliation to this dreaded disease? I am in Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada). My daughter has CF, she is 7 years old. Maybe if we figure out our time differences, we could plan to go in chat sometime, share stories and general...
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    any moms that stay home with cf child???

    I am a single parent as well. I stayed home until the day my daughter started school. I live in Canada where our medical coverages are quite different than in some places of the world. I read about another woman who lives in Quebec, Canada and she receives assistance form the government to...
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    Cure for CF??? "The spice of life perhaps"

    I must admit, I was too 'eager' on Friday when I first heard the news of the whole 'curry' issue. I myself have come down a bit......I think it was just hard for me, thinking that this might actually be something. For all of you who commented, thank you. Everyone had an opinion, a point of...
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    Does anyone ever go into 'chat' on here?

    I have logged in a few times over the past month....and have yet to be able to find other people logged in let alone other people in the 'chat' section of this site.Understanably, we are all from different parts of the world.....but I thought maybe we could find out who comes in and when and...
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    Compound fights CF in mice!!!!

    I suppose it just might....hahahaif it can turn curry and tumeric yellow...why not a person....may look a little juandice, but hey your CF would be gone...I think I could live with that!
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    Wanting To Talk

    As a Mom of a child with cf, I am glad to see young ppl with the disease so outgoing and open about gives me hope that my daughter (who is now 7 years old) will be as easy going and understandable of what the disease brings her.I'm glad to hear you are in 'good' health with your cf...
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    Curry to fight Cystic Fibrosis

    CURCUMIN......that is the 'agent' that is in tumeric and curry that they are accrediting their most recent findings with respect to 'curing' CFThe mice who ate curcumin in large doses....which is not recommended that you do, worried there may be side effects to the medication you take and so...
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    Cure for CF??? "The spice of life perhaps"

    So who else has heard of the most recent breakthrough with CF research??? Tumeric and Curry both carry a common ingredient, curcumin. Apparently some mice who ingested large amounts of this agent, curcumin, have had their symptoms decrease and even disappear. Their life span increased as...