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  1. C

    possibly infecting friends with mrsa??

    I am very conflicted rightnow. I have been MRSA positive for a few years now! I have many friends who are attending university with me to become nurses...i feel so guilty because what if they have contracted it from me and the go on to infect their furture patients?? I feel horrible but these...
  2. C

    possibly infecting friends with mrsa??

    I am very conflicted rightnow. I have been MRSA positive for a few years now! I have many friends who are attending university with me to become nurses...i feel so guilty because what if they have contracted it from me and the go on to infect their furture patients?? I feel horrible but these...
  3. C

    possibly infecting friends with mrsa??

    I am very conflicted rightnow. I have been MRSA positive for a few years now! I have many friends who are attending university with me to become nurses...i feel so guilty because what if they have contracted it from me and the go on to infect their furture patients?? I feel horrible but these...
  4. C

    possibly infecting friends with mrsa??

    I am very conflicted rightnow. I have been MRSA positive for a few years now! I have many friends who are attending university with me to become nurses...i feel so guilty because what if they have contracted it from me and the go on to infect their furture patients?? I feel horrible but these...
  5. C

    possibly infecting friends with mrsa??

    I am very conflicted rightnow. I have been MRSA positive for a few years now! I have many friends who are attending university with me to become nurses...i feel so guilty because what if they have contracted it from me and the go on to infect their furture patients?? I feel horrible but these...
  6. C

    possibly infecting friends with mrsa??

    I am very conflicted rightnow. I have been MRSA positive for a few years now! I have many friends who are attending university with me to become nurses...i feel so guilty because what if they have contracted it form me and the go on to infect their furture patients?? I feel horrible but these...
  7. C

    possibly infecting friends with mrsa??

    I am very conflicted rightnow. I have been MRSA positive for a few years now! I have many friends who are attending university with me to become nurses...i feel so guilty because what if they have contracted it form me and the go on to infect their furture patients?? I feel horrible but these...
  8. C

    possibly infecting friends with mrsa??

    I am very conflicted rightnow. I have been MRSA positive for a few years now! I have many friends who are attending university with me to become nurses...i feel so guilty because what if they have contracted it form me and the go on to infect their furture patients?? I feel horrible but these...
  9. C

    possibly infecting friends with mrsa??

    I am very conflicted rightnow. I have been MRSA positive for a few years now! I have many friends who are attending university with me to become nurses...i feel so guilty because what if they have contracted it form me and the go on to infect their furture patients?? I feel horrible but these...
  10. C

    possibly infecting friends with mrsa??

    I am very conflicted rightnow. I have been MRSA positive for a few years now! I have many friends who are attending university with me to become nurses...i feel so guilty because what if they have contracted it form me and the go on to infect their furture patients?? I feel horrible but these...
  11. C

    possibly infecting friends with mrsa??

    I am very conflicted rightnow. I have been MRSA positive for a few years now! I have many friends who are attending university with me to become nurses...i feel so guilty because what if they have contracted it form me and the go on to infect their furture patients?? I feel horrible but these...
  12. C

    possibly infecting friends with mrsa??

    I am very conflicted rightnow. I have been MRSA positive for a few years now! I have many friends who are attending university with me to become nurses...i feel so guilty because what if they have contracted it form me and the go on to infect their furture patients?? I feel horrible but these...
  13. C

    possibly infecting friends with mrsa??

    I am very conflicted rightnow. I have been MRSA positive for a few years now! I have many friends who are attending university with me to become nurses...i feel so guilty because what if they have contracted it form me and the go on to infect their furture patients?? I feel horrible but these...
  14. C

    possibly infecting friends with mrsa??

    I am very conflicted rightnow. I have been MRSA positive for a few years now! I have many friends who are attending university with me to become nurses...i feel so guilty because what if they have contracted it form me and the go on to infect their furture patients?? I feel horrible but these...
  15. C

    possibly infecting friends with mrsa??

    I am very conflicted rightnow. I have been MRSA positive for a few years now! I have many friends who are attending university with me to become nurses...i feel so guilty because what if they have contracted it form me and the go on to infect their furture patients?? I feel horrible but these...
  16. C

    cant stop!!!

    Thanks for the replie everyone! Most of the foods I eat are healthy I eat tonns of bananas,broccoli and cesar salads. I feel much better knowing I am not the only one always hungry! I may just cut back alil! Thanks again :-) xo
  17. C

    cant stop!!!

    Thanks for the replie everyone! Most of the foods I eat are healthy I eat tonns of bananas,broccoli and cesar salads. I feel much better knowing I am not the only one always hungry! I may just cut back alil! Thanks again :-) xo
  18. C

    cant stop!!!

    Thanks for the replie everyone! Most of the foods I eat are healthy I eat tonns of bananas,broccoli and cesar salads. I feel much better knowing I am not the only one always hungry! I may just cut back alil! Thanks again :-) xo
  19. C

    cant stop!!!

    Thanks for the replie everyone! Most of the foods I eat are healthy I eat tonns of bananas,broccoli and cesar salads. I feel much better knowing I am not the only one always hungry! I may just cut back alil! Thanks again :-) xo
  20. C

    cant stop!!!

    Thanks for the replie everyone! Most of the foods I eat are healthy I eat tonns of bananas,broccoli and cesar salads. I feel much better knowing I am not the only one always hungry! I may just cut back alil! Thanks again :-) xo