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  1. M

    Mutated form of CF

    Thank you all for replying. What the doctor said was that my granddaughter may have a mutated form of CF and that one of the side effects is the failure to gain weight. She stated that CeCe would have a longer life span, however, it wouldn't be as long say someone without CF. What that...
  2. M

    Mutated form of CF

    Thank you all for replying. What the doctor said was that my granddaughter may have a mutated form of CF and that one of the side effects is the failure to gain weight. She stated that CeCe would have a longer life span, however, it wouldn't be as long say someone without CF. What that...
  3. M

    Mutated form of CF

    Thank you all for replying. What the doctor said was that my granddaughter may have a mutated form of CF and that one of the side effects is the failure to gain weight. She stated that CeCe would have a longer life span, however, it wouldn't be as long say someone without CF. What that...
  4. M

    Mutated form of CF

    Has anyone heard of a mutated for of CF in which babies and children do not gain weight normally. You see my daughter and son-in-law were recently diagnosed as carriers of CF and my granddaughter just went for her 15 month check-up and hasn't gained weight in over three months. She weighs in...
  5. M

    Mutated form of CF

    Has anyone heard of a mutated for of CF in which babies and children do not gain weight normally. You see my daughter and son-in-law were recently diagnosed as carriers of CF and my granddaughter just went for her 15 month check-up and hasn't gained weight in over three months. She weighs in...
  6. M

    Mutated form of CF

    Has anyone heard of a mutated for of CF in which babies and children do not gain weight normally. You see my daughter and son-in-law were recently diagnosed as carriers of CF and my granddaughter just went for her 15 month check-up and hasn't gained weight in over three months. She weighs in...
  7. M

    Daughter & Son-In-Law Carriers

    Breezy, Thank you for your input. It's hard for me, as a mom, not to get overly emotional regarding my daughter's <b>mil</b> that's why I've looked for other avenues to vent. The feedback I've received has been great and I'm learning a lot and passing that onto my daughter. Hopefully, she...
  8. M

    Daughter & Son-In-Law Carriers

    Breezy, Thank you for your input. It's hard for me, as a mom, not to get overly emotional regarding my daughter's <b>mil</b> that's why I've looked for other avenues to vent. The feedback I've received has been great and I'm learning a lot and passing that onto my daughter. Hopefully, she...
  9. M

    Daughter & Son-In-Law Carriers

    Breezy, Thank you for your input. It's hard for me, as a mom, not to get overly emotional regarding my daughter's <b>mil</b> that's why I've looked for other avenues to vent. The feedback I've received has been great and I'm learning a lot and passing that onto my daughter. Hopefully, she...
  10. M

    Daughter & Son-In-Law Carriers

    Angie, That's exactly how I felt. All your frustration and venting is what I wanted to do, just didn't know how express it without seeming like a b-t-h! Anyway, my daughter has to have more bloodwork done to evaluate what mutation she has as compared to her husband. My mother is so...
  11. M

    Daughter & Son-In-Law Carriers

    Angie, That's exactly how I felt. All your frustration and venting is what I wanted to do, just didn't know how express it without seeming like a b-t-h! Anyway, my daughter has to have more bloodwork done to evaluate what mutation she has as compared to her husband. My mother is so...
  12. M

    Daughter & Son-In-Law Carriers

    Angie, That's exactly how I felt. All your frustration and venting is what I wanted to do, just didn't know how express it without seeming like a b-t-h! Anyway, my daughter has to have more bloodwork done to evaluate what mutation she has as compared to her husband. My mother is so...
  13. M

    Daughter & Son-In-Law Carriers

    Alyssa, Yeah, I thought the same thing the mother-in-law, but I just didn't know how to say it without seeming nasty. I don't know, maybe some people just don't like to face hard facts and truths, but thank you for your response. I've got questions, lists of symptoms, etc., for my daughter to...
  14. M

    Daughter & Son-In-Law Carriers

    Alyssa, Yeah, I thought the same thing the mother-in-law, but I just didn't know how to say it without seeming nasty. I don't know, maybe some people just don't like to face hard facts and truths, but thank you for your response. I've got questions, lists of symptoms, etc., for my daughter to...
  15. M

    Daughter & Son-In-Law Carriers

    Alyssa, Yeah, I thought the same thing the mother-in-law, but I just didn't know how to say it without seeming nasty. I don't know, maybe some people just don't like to face hard facts and truths, but thank you for your response. I've got questions, lists of symptoms, etc., for my daughter to...
  16. M

    Daughter & Son-In-Law Carriers

    I'd like to thank all of you for responding. I wasn't actually questioning the history, you see, my daughter's mother-in-law, told my daughter that there was no way, <b>"HER SON," </b>could be a carrier because "HER" family has never been diagnosed with CF or as CF carriers. We know that...
  17. M

    Daughter & Son-In-Law Carriers

    I'd like to thank all of you for responding. I wasn't actually questioning the history, you see, my daughter's mother-in-law, told my daughter that there was no way, <b>"HER SON," </b>could be a carrier because "HER" family has never been diagnosed with CF or as CF carriers. We know that...
  18. M

    Daughter & Son-In-Law Carriers

    I'd like to thank all of you for responding. I wasn't actually questioning the history, you see, my daughter's mother-in-law, told my daughter that there was no way, <b>"HER SON," </b>could be a carrier because "HER" family has never been diagnosed with CF or as CF carriers. We know that...
  19. M

    Daughter & Son-In-Law Carriers

    Dana, Thank you for responding so quickly. We are having my granddaughter, Cierra, tested February 7. I'm just baffled by all this. The doctor never tested my daughter or her husband when she was pregnant with Cierra. This is all so new and upsetting. I'm glad I found this site and I'll...
  20. M

    Daughter & Son-In-Law Carriers

    Dana, Thank you for responding so quickly. We are having my granddaughter, Cierra, tested February 7. I'm just baffled by all this. The doctor never tested my daughter or her husband when she was pregnant with Cierra. This is all so new and upsetting. I'm glad I found this site and I'll...