Daughter & Son-In-Law Carriers


New member

That's exactly how I felt. All your frustration and venting is what I wanted to do, just didn't know how express it without seeming like a b-t-h!

Anyway, my daughter has to have more bloodwork done to evaluate what mutation she has as compared to her husband.

My mother is so concerned by all this and has gone so far to have in depth testing done, on herself, to see if she has any type of mutation of CF.

I guess it's all in the perspective of the person and how they were raised/loved as children. We have a lot of compassion and love in my family and I don't believe that the MIL did and if she did it was nothing how I was raised and how I've raised my children.


New member

That's exactly how I felt. All your frustration and venting is what I wanted to do, just didn't know how express it without seeming like a b-t-h!

Anyway, my daughter has to have more bloodwork done to evaluate what mutation she has as compared to her husband.

My mother is so concerned by all this and has gone so far to have in depth testing done, on herself, to see if she has any type of mutation of CF.

I guess it's all in the perspective of the person and how they were raised/loved as children. We have a lot of compassion and love in my family and I don't believe that the MIL did and if she did it was nothing how I was raised and how I've raised my children.


New member
Hey guys

I just wanna weigh in on this a bit. I think it's horrible that ur daughter's mother-in-law is more or less placing blame over a GENETIC mutation and being a carrier. Carrying a defective gene is no one's fault. Crap happens, right? I can't stand when ppl can't get passed it.

While i don't have CF, i have a genetic disease called SCID(Severe Combined Immunodeficiency - i was born with no immune system) and like CF, there's a 1 in 4 chance of getting it. Prior to me, no one in my family had the disease and had i not been born with it, we would probably never know we were carriers of it. Neither of my parents prior to the birth of me had reason to believe something was wrong. My older sister is perfectly ok. You just can't place blame on someone when it comes to this stuff. I feel sorry for what your daughter is going through. Best of luck!


New member
Hey guys

I just wanna weigh in on this a bit. I think it's horrible that ur daughter's mother-in-law is more or less placing blame over a GENETIC mutation and being a carrier. Carrying a defective gene is no one's fault. Crap happens, right? I can't stand when ppl can't get passed it.

While i don't have CF, i have a genetic disease called SCID(Severe Combined Immunodeficiency - i was born with no immune system) and like CF, there's a 1 in 4 chance of getting it. Prior to me, no one in my family had the disease and had i not been born with it, we would probably never know we were carriers of it. Neither of my parents prior to the birth of me had reason to believe something was wrong. My older sister is perfectly ok. You just can't place blame on someone when it comes to this stuff. I feel sorry for what your daughter is going through. Best of luck!


New member
Hey guys

I just wanna weigh in on this a bit. I think it's horrible that ur daughter's mother-in-law is more or less placing blame over a GENETIC mutation and being a carrier. Carrying a defective gene is no one's fault. Crap happens, right? I can't stand when ppl can't get passed it.

While i don't have CF, i have a genetic disease called SCID(Severe Combined Immunodeficiency - i was born with no immune system) and like CF, there's a 1 in 4 chance of getting it. Prior to me, no one in my family had the disease and had i not been born with it, we would probably never know we were carriers of it. Neither of my parents prior to the birth of me had reason to believe something was wrong. My older sister is perfectly ok. You just can't place blame on someone when it comes to this stuff. I feel sorry for what your daughter is going through. Best of luck!


New member

Thank you for your input.

It's hard for me, as a mom, not to get overly emotional regarding my daughter's <b>mil</b> that's why I've looked for other avenues to vent.

The feedback I've received has been great and I'm learning a lot and passing that onto my daughter. Hopefully, she can try to help her <b>mil </b>understand the genetic's of <b>CF</b>.

CeCe's Mom-mom


New member

Thank you for your input.

It's hard for me, as a mom, not to get overly emotional regarding my daughter's <b>mil</b> that's why I've looked for other avenues to vent.

The feedback I've received has been great and I'm learning a lot and passing that onto my daughter. Hopefully, she can try to help her <b>mil </b>understand the genetic's of <b>CF</b>.

CeCe's Mom-mom


New member

Thank you for your input.

It's hard for me, as a mom, not to get overly emotional regarding my daughter's <b>mil</b> that's why I've looked for other avenues to vent.

The feedback I've received has been great and I'm learning a lot and passing that onto my daughter. Hopefully, she can try to help her <b>mil </b>understand the genetic's of <b>CF</b>.

CeCe's Mom-mom