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  1. G

    Allan died this morning.

    Dear Jess, I'm very sorry to hear about Allan. I know what you are going through, my brother passed away in August after being denied many times for transplant. I wanted you to know that if you need anything please email me I'd be happy to talk to you. I will pray for...
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    Coughing up Blood ( unpleasant subject! )

    I hate coughing up blood!!!!!!!!!!
  3. G

    just a question ( ur opinion)

    Have you thought about transplant? Currently I took this year off because I don't have the energy to finish school (and this is my last year)..but I'm hoping that before I need a tx I could finish that way I can have my degree and start working after that and don't have to bother with school...
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    about the lung function topic

    All messed up, sorry! But thank you for your feedback- no offense taken!
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    How do they judge the life expectancy

    My brother and I both have CF, he was diagnosed at birth, and I was diagnosed after he came along, when I was 2. I'm 23 now, and he is 21, and trying to get on the transplant list. When we were born, the average age was in the teenage years. Then by the time we were 10 it was in the 20's, and...
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    When were you dignosed with CF?

    I was diagnosed after my younger brother was born. I was 2 at the time. Thank goodness he came along because I didnt show any signs of it till I was 16!!! and it's been downhill from there!
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    Stomach Pains

    Hi, I went through something similair but it only happens when I'm in the hospital and I get a certain med. I had to have x-rays done to make sure I didnt have an obstruction in my bowel. Everything looked fine, I was just "full of it" if you know what I mean (I was also vomitting, and it hurt...
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    My Tattoo

    That tattoo is AWESOME! hehe, I'm showing everyone I know! I have a few (around 10) but the longest I've been sitting was about 3 hrs. Post some more pics when its finished!!! I'd like to see them!
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    Lung Transplant Testing

    My brother is finishing up his far he's gotten alot of x-rays, CT scans, bone density (which is just another x-ray), alot blood work, a 6 minute walk where he just had to wear his O2, have someone take his pulse ox every 60 seconds and make sure that he walked over 600 ft. in that...
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    Opinions wanted...

    That was ridiculous!
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    whats ur hospital like?

    Since I just got out of University Hospitals in Cleveland...I had a double room (but only bc my brother and I were in at the same time, usually I have my own room) it had a TV, bathroom, mini fridge, couch/sofa, and all that good stuff. I love the staff up there, its an adult CF floor and the...
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    husband is not a carrier....

    Thats great that your PFT's are so doctor told me that if I wanted to stand a "normal" chance at having children I should try and keep my PFT above 70. So in your case you would be fine having a child. I guess when you drop below that number the risks and breathing complications...
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    Getting to know eachother

    I'm Megan, 23 from Ohio. I go to school full time for medical coding/billing, and phlebotomy. I still have no idea what I really want to do, but figured I might as well start somewhere! I work part time at a mini golf course thats glow in the dark! It's a pretty cool job for now, plus I get...
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    Taking a survey

    I only had one sweat test done ( I was 2 at the time, and had never been sick or underweight) then my brother was born, and my parents doctor sent them to Cleveland to get a test done because he was so sick...he only had one as well. They tested me just because of the genetics stuff.
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    Great book for patients/families

    I agree!!! This is a great book for anyone with CF and their families!! My doctor first told my Dad about this book, and he went out and bought it, then I read it, and it was wonderful. There was so much information and many things that I didnt even know about the disease and I have it!! I...
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    Talking to others with cystic fibrosis

    Hey!! I'm in the hospital right now (thumbs down)..if you ever get bored or just want to chat, my AIM name is iluvsnackpaks and my email is <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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    port surgery recovery question

    Hi Kelli!! I had my Mediport placed last summer (my first one ever) they had tried in my arm, but I have no veins left, so my only other option was the chest. I, like you, was not fond of having this thing there. But, it was prolly the best thing I could have done. Mine is on the left side...
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    I got my transplant

  19. G

    My 5 mo old is a twin, should I have him tested also?

    I'm not a twin but I do have a younger brother with CF and I was tested after he came back positive for it...the doctors didnt even think that I would have it because I was so healthy and had never been sick in my short 2 years of life... so yes, I would def. have him tested as well!!! Take care
  20. G

    My 5 mo old is a twin, should I have him tested also?

    I'm not a twin but I do have a younger brother with CF and I was tested after he came back positive for it...the doctors didnt even think that I would have it because I was so healthy and had never been sick in my short 2 years of life... so yes, I would def. have him tested as well!!! Take care