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  1. E

    Social Anxiety Disorder?

    Hi, I had no idea that prednisone could do that!! I used to take it when I was younger, and I have social anxiety disorder, too. I have since I was about 9 I think. But I didn't take prednisone after I was about I don't know if there would be any possible connection there, but I hope...
  2. E

    How do you feel about people knowing that you have CF?

    Yeah! That's one reason I get embarrassed when people tell me they read about it you know some of the things that are written that just sound flat out disgusting? I tell people that enzymes fix the whole "greasy stool" problem (could they make it sound a weeee bit more pleasent...
  3. E

    Anyone have a site?

    One more post!! haha, the last 2 were from me...forgot to "log in"
  4. E

    Anyone have a site?

    hey fighting you two Anyways, here's my <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">MYSPACE</a>...I'm on like, all the freakin time haha
  5. E


    Hey, I don't have any problems gaining weight either. I need a lot of enzymes and I used to be a skeleton when I was little, but the past few years I just gain and gain. I'm 5"3 and up to 130lbs. I can't keep the weight off cause of my huge appetite that they say comes with the CF. I know it...
  6. E

    How do you feel about people knowing that you have CF?

    Emily, that really sucks about the guy issue. I'm the same way with people knowing. Well, not completely. I mean, anyone I've known and people in my classes when I was younger all know I have CF. I'm not ashamed of it at all, I just don't like explaining it!! And then the responses always make...
  7. E


    Hi! I usually take about 5-6 MT-20s. For a while there, I also stopped taking them, but it was because I thought maybe I could lose weight doing it, but I have such a huge appetite (not from not enough enzymes, I just always do!), that it didn't make a difference. I didn't have many "nasty...