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    Jessica Brandon

    I was talking to another CF friend this morning and we are wondering what happened to Jessica (I don't know what her screen name was on here). Her facebook account is deleted, we can't find her blog, and she used to post on here and we don't see any posts from her. Does anyone know how she...
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    CF Hero of Hope

    I just wanted to share this with all of you and thank "EnergyGal" for nominating me. I try to do my best with answering questions, and if I can't, I normally know someone who can. I'm not on this site much, but I love to help people when I can! <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge...
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    Piper (NYCLawGirl)

    Just wanted to let everyone know that Piper got the call for her transplant this morning!! I'm hoping it's the real deal and that everything goes smoothly for her! Good luck Piper!!!
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    Appointments in Cleveland

    Hey all, I know that I don't post on here much but I just wanted to share in my excitement! I had to travel to Cleveland this weekend for some "regular" transplant appointments that I had today. My husband had to work today and I don't like to travel alone, so Graves went with me on my road trip...
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    I did absolutely nothing wrong and I just did what Mel had done over at, listed that site in my signature. Why was it deleted? I think that the site can be very helpful on top of this one and if Mel has listed in her signature on CF2chat, I see no reason why mine cannot stay...
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    Visit to North Carolina and Virginia

    So, I was off to NC and VA for a week for a couple of reasons and I had an awesome time. I went to NC to meet an Aunt for the first time that my Mom and her sisters just found last year. My Aunt lives in Kill Devil Hills and when I looked it up on a map, I saw that it was right next to Nags...
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    Have not been around for a while

    Sorry that I have not been around for a while, I have been busy with other things such as appointments for me and Brady, having a cold that lasted from before Christmas until about 2 weeks after the new year, and then I just celebrated my 2 year post double lung and liver transplant...
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    So, Halloween is this week and the start of November is Saturday. Can you believe it??? I think that Sunday is also when we set our clocks back. Are you prepared for that? Anyway, I was just wondering what all of the kiddos are going to be for Halloween. Brady is going to be a giraffe and this...
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    Well, in my Transplant thread, someone asked me if I had any advice for those of you who are going to be going through all of this. Lets see if I can give some advice..... 1. Ask a lot of questions and don't be afraid to ask. The doctors normally do have answers for you. Ask questions like how...
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    Just wondering where just1more is. Haven't seen any posts lately and I was a little concerned. Are you there?
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    Anna, I saw in your signature that you are one year post double lung Tx!! That is a huge step and I wanted to say congratulations!!!! On the 31st, I will be a year and a half out and it feels amazing! I hope that you had a fun or relaxing day.
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    My transplants!

    Hey there everyone! I am fairly new to this site and just wanted to tell you all a little about my transplant experience. I was told in November 2004 by my CF doc that it was time that I looked into transplants and that I needed both lungs and a liver. He didn't know if any transplant hospital...