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  1. W


    My son was diagnosed with cf in his early thirties when he went for fertility tests. Looking back now I can see classic symptoms of cf but they were mild and doctors told me it was allergies. As difficult as it is to hear this in early childhood it is a tremendous shock in later life. I...
  2. W

    Diagnosis, I want your details!

    My son was diagnosed in his thirties and the doctor says "it's mild and won't cause further problems." How much more enlightened are they now in this century than last. When I look back at his early history he was classic c.f. but I was told it was allergies, or my over concern that was at the...
  3. W

    no symptoms for years

    Thank you for your response. He is to have surgery in a week for a weak spinchter in the stomach which has caused him major digestive problems. I just spoke to his wife and they have sent home a breathing monitor to ensure his lungs don't collapse. This is probably routine but the whole idea...
  4. W

    How old is the oldest cf person known to be

    My son is 35 and he was diagnosed when he married and they were unable to conceive. The vas deferens were damaged by the high salt content. Until the age of nine he was hospitalized many times with respiratory difficulties and digestive disorders. I told our paediatrician that his brow tasted...
  5. W

    no symptoms for years

    My son is 34 and has not had symptoms since he was nine years old. Now he has discovered damage to the reproduction organs and has major digestive problems. Is there anyone with a similar experience. Worried mom
  6. W

    Digestive problems in adulthood

    My son is in his thirties and was not diagnosed with cf until he was involved with fertility testing. As a result he was sent for genetic tests and it was then found he had c.f. and the vas deferens were damaged by the salt. This was a shock although he'd had a difficult childhood and I had...