1 was enough....3's a crowd!


New member
This week has been crazy for me. I just found out Oct 30th that my baby boy Diego has CF, through newborn screening. due to change of insurance since his birth, i didn't find out that he had it till 3 months later. now, on December 2nd, i got back the dna results, and my other two boys have it as well! I had just joined this forum and posted on the 1st.... thinking i'd be coping with just one. come to find out all 3. to top it off, my baby boy was admitted to the hospital on dec 5th. pneumonia and culturing pseudo. this has been a BAD week! so i am here in the hospital for atleast 2 weeks i'm told. picc line put in and bronchiscopy scheduled for next week. i feel so overwhelmed. and so dumb that i overlooked the other boys respitory issues. anybody else have multiple children with cf and how do you cope?


New member
This week has been crazy for me. I just found out Oct 30th that my baby boy Diego has CF, through newborn screening. due to change of insurance since his birth, i didn't find out that he had it till 3 months later. now, on December 2nd, i got back the dna results, and my other two boys have it as well! I had just joined this forum and posted on the 1st.... thinking i'd be coping with just one. come to find out all 3. to top it off, my baby boy was admitted to the hospital on dec 5th. pneumonia and culturing pseudo. this has been a BAD week! so i am here in the hospital for atleast 2 weeks i'm told. picc line put in and bronchiscopy scheduled for next week. i feel so overwhelmed. and so dumb that i overlooked the other boys respitory issues. anybody else have multiple children with cf and how do you cope?


New member
This week has been crazy for me. I just found out Oct 30th that my baby boy Diego has CF, through newborn screening. due to change of insurance since his birth, i didn't find out that he had it till 3 months later. now, on December 2nd, i got back the dna results, and my other two boys have it as well! I had just joined this forum and posted on the 1st.... thinking i'd be coping with just one. come to find out all 3. to top it off, my baby boy was admitted to the hospital on dec 5th. pneumonia and culturing pseudo. this has been a BAD week! so i am here in the hospital for atleast 2 weeks i'm told. picc line put in and bronchiscopy scheduled for next week. i feel so overwhelmed. and so dumb that i overlooked the other boys respitory issues. anybody else have multiple children with cf and how do you cope?


New member
This week has been crazy for me. I just found out Oct 30th that my baby boy Diego has CF, through newborn screening. due to change of insurance since his birth, i didn't find out that he had it till 3 months later. now, on December 2nd, i got back the dna results, and my other two boys have it as well! I had just joined this forum and posted on the 1st.... thinking i'd be coping with just one. come to find out all 3. to top it off, my baby boy was admitted to the hospital on dec 5th. pneumonia and culturing pseudo. this has been a BAD week! so i am here in the hospital for atleast 2 weeks i'm told. picc line put in and bronchiscopy scheduled for next week. i feel so overwhelmed. and so dumb that i overlooked the other boys respitory issues. anybody else have multiple children with cf and how do you cope?


New member
This week has been crazy for me. I just found out Oct 30th that my baby boy Diego has CF, through newborn screening. due to change of insurance since his birth, i didn't find out that he had it till 3 months later. now, on December 2nd, i got back the dna results, and my other two boys have it as well! I had just joined this forum and posted on the 1st.... thinking i'd be coping with just one. come to find out all 3. to top it off, my baby boy was admitted to the hospital on dec 5th. pneumonia and culturing pseudo. this has been a BAD week! so i am here in the hospital for atleast 2 weeks i'm told. picc line put in and bronchiscopy scheduled for next week. i feel so overwhelmed. and so dumb that i overlooked the other boys respitory issues. anybody else have multiple children with cf and how do you cope?


New member
Oh I am so sorry this week has been horrible for you!
I'm one of 3 kids with CF, so I can't help you with how coping is with multiple CF kids. I know my parents were overwhelmed (35 years ago) when my brother was first diagnosed... Therapies are better today than back then... plus, the support is so much better especially with this CF forum on the internet.

If you need any support, my mom would be more than happy to communicate with you. Her email is fmmanzi@sbcglobal.net

Good luck,
30 yo cf


New member
Oh I am so sorry this week has been horrible for you!
I'm one of 3 kids with CF, so I can't help you with how coping is with multiple CF kids. I know my parents were overwhelmed (35 years ago) when my brother was first diagnosed... Therapies are better today than back then... plus, the support is so much better especially with this CF forum on the internet.

If you need any support, my mom would be more than happy to communicate with you. Her email is fmmanzi@sbcglobal.net

Good luck,
30 yo cf


New member
Oh I am so sorry this week has been horrible for you!
I'm one of 3 kids with CF, so I can't help you with how coping is with multiple CF kids. I know my parents were overwhelmed (35 years ago) when my brother was first diagnosed... Therapies are better today than back then... plus, the support is so much better especially with this CF forum on the internet.

If you need any support, my mom would be more than happy to communicate with you. Her email is fmmanzi@sbcglobal.net

Good luck,
30 yo cf


New member
Oh I am so sorry this week has been horrible for you!
I'm one of 3 kids with CF, so I can't help you with how coping is with multiple CF kids. I know my parents were overwhelmed (35 years ago) when my brother was first diagnosed... Therapies are better today than back then... plus, the support is so much better especially with this CF forum on the internet.

If you need any support, my mom would be more than happy to communicate with you. Her email is fmmanzi@sbcglobal.net

Good luck,
30 yo cf


New member
Oh I am so sorry this week has been horrible for you!
<br />I'm one of 3 kids with CF, so I can't help you with how coping is with multiple CF kids. I know my parents were overwhelmed (35 years ago) when my brother was first diagnosed... Therapies are better today than back then... plus, the support is so much better especially with this CF forum on the internet.
<br />
<br />If you need any support, my mom would be more than happy to communicate with you. Her email is fmmanzi@sbcglobal.net
<br />
<br />Good luck,
<br />Jenn
<br />30 yo cf


I only have one with cf. I just wanted to give you a cyber HUG...There are some on here with multiples.

Cheryl mom t Malora 15 w/cf


I only have one with cf. I just wanted to give you a cyber HUG...There are some on here with multiples.

Cheryl mom t Malora 15 w/cf


I only have one with cf. I just wanted to give you a cyber HUG...There are some on here with multiples.

Cheryl mom t Malora 15 w/cf


I only have one with cf. I just wanted to give you a cyber HUG...There are some on here with multiples.

Cheryl mom t Malora 15 w/cf


I only have one with cf. I just wanted to give you a cyber HUG...There are some on here with multiples.
<br />
<br />Cheryl mom t Malora 15 w/cf


Digital opinion leader
Oh what a shock for you! I'm sorry for your news, but very glad you found us here. I have two teenage boys w/cf and there are lots of others with several.

Please don't beat yourself up over not noticing symptoms- so many of them could be attributed to other illnesses. Guilt is one thing we parents deal with a lot, but most of us learn not to let it eat away at us. Yes it is overwhelming, but we also learn to find the joy in every day.

How old are your other boys? Please send me a private message if I can answer questions. Welcome<img src="i/expressions/hugging.gif" border="0">


Digital opinion leader
Oh what a shock for you! I'm sorry for your news, but very glad you found us here. I have two teenage boys w/cf and there are lots of others with several.

Please don't beat yourself up over not noticing symptoms- so many of them could be attributed to other illnesses. Guilt is one thing we parents deal with a lot, but most of us learn not to let it eat away at us. Yes it is overwhelming, but we also learn to find the joy in every day.

How old are your other boys? Please send me a private message if I can answer questions. Welcome<img src="i/expressions/hugging.gif" border="0">


Digital opinion leader
Oh what a shock for you! I'm sorry for your news, but very glad you found us here. I have two teenage boys w/cf and there are lots of others with several.

Please don't beat yourself up over not noticing symptoms- so many of them could be attributed to other illnesses. Guilt is one thing we parents deal with a lot, but most of us learn not to let it eat away at us. Yes it is overwhelming, but we also learn to find the joy in every day.

How old are your other boys? Please send me a private message if I can answer questions. Welcome<img src="i/expressions/hugging.gif" border="0">


Digital opinion leader
Oh what a shock for you! I'm sorry for your news, but very glad you found us here. I have two teenage boys w/cf and there are lots of others with several.

Please don't beat yourself up over not noticing symptoms- so many of them could be attributed to other illnesses. Guilt is one thing we parents deal with a lot, but most of us learn not to let it eat away at us. Yes it is overwhelming, but we also learn to find the joy in every day.

How old are your other boys? Please send me a private message if I can answer questions. Welcome<img src="i/expressions/hugging.gif" border="0">


Digital opinion leader
Oh what a shock for you! I'm sorry for your news, but very glad you found us here. I have two teenage boys w/cf and there are lots of others with several.
<br />
<br />Please don't beat yourself up over not noticing symptoms- so many of them could be attributed to other illnesses. Guilt is one thing we parents deal with a lot, but most of us learn not to let it eat away at us. Yes it is overwhelming, but we also learn to find the joy in every day.
<br />
<br />How old are your other boys? Please send me a private message if I can answer questions. Welcome<img src="i/expressions/hugging.gif" border="0">