1 year CF Clinic Check up


Staff member
DS's was last month and they did weight, height, physical exam -- listened to breathing, checked to see if he was retracting, felt his abdomen, usually they feel to see if his liver is enlarged. Then off to labs and xrays -- vitamin levels, etc.
Then off to the RT department for a throat culture. They tried to get a sputum culture, but he just wouldn't hack up a loogy for them. We now do all this as part of his well child visit in the peds department.

When we went to the regular CF clinic we met with three different doctors -- pulmo, peds & gastro. Then the dietician who went over his growth, body fat, calories consumed. RT did a throat culture. The social worker came in to annoy my husband and discuss our feelings <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> and a peds pharmacist came in to discuss all of DS's meds. Oh and the nurse would do a finger pulse-ox, bp, weight & height. Then off to the labs and xray department.


Staff member
DS's was last month and they did weight, height, physical exam -- listened to breathing, checked to see if he was retracting, felt his abdomen, usually they feel to see if his liver is enlarged. Then off to labs and xrays -- vitamin levels, etc.
Then off to the RT department for a throat culture. They tried to get a sputum culture, but he just wouldn't hack up a loogy for them. We now do all this as part of his well child visit in the peds department.

When we went to the regular CF clinic we met with three different doctors -- pulmo, peds & gastro. Then the dietician who went over his growth, body fat, calories consumed. RT did a throat culture. The social worker came in to annoy my husband and discuss our feelings <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> and a peds pharmacist came in to discuss all of DS's meds. Oh and the nurse would do a finger pulse-ox, bp, weight & height. Then off to the labs and xray department.


New member
Hi all...new to the boards and so happy to have found you. My three year old, Finnegan, has NEVER had a chest xray, nor has the clinic request a blood draw until this most recent appointment--right around his third birthday. Seeing what you all are getting makes me even more dissatisfied with my clinic. I am actually in contact with one in a neighboring state to get another look at my son to make sure he's getting everything he needs--and I am sure he isn't, as we continue to have major poopy issues. but that's another rant.

best of luck at your appointment!


New member
Hi all...new to the boards and so happy to have found you. My three year old, Finnegan, has NEVER had a chest xray, nor has the clinic request a blood draw until this most recent appointment--right around his third birthday. Seeing what you all are getting makes me even more dissatisfied with my clinic. I am actually in contact with one in a neighboring state to get another look at my son to make sure he's getting everything he needs--and I am sure he isn't, as we continue to have major poopy issues. but that's another rant.

best of luck at your appointment!


New member
Hi all...new to the boards and so happy to have found you. My three year old, Finnegan, has NEVER had a chest xray, nor has the clinic request a blood draw until this most recent appointment--right around his third birthday. Seeing what you all are getting makes me even more dissatisfied with my clinic. I am actually in contact with one in a neighboring state to get another look at my son to make sure he's getting everything he needs--and I am sure he isn't, as we continue to have major poopy issues. but that's another rant.

best of luck at your appointment!


New member
Hi all...new to the boards and so happy to have found you. My three year old, Finnegan, has NEVER had a chest xray, nor has the clinic request a blood draw until this most recent appointment--right around his third birthday. Seeing what you all are getting makes me even more dissatisfied with my clinic. I am actually in contact with one in a neighboring state to get another look at my son to make sure he's getting everything he needs--and I am sure he isn't, as we continue to have major poopy issues. but that's another rant.

best of luck at your appointment!


New member
Hi all...new to the boards and so happy to have found you. My three year old, Finnegan, has NEVER had a chest xray, nor has the clinic request a blood draw until this most recent appointment--right around his third birthday. Seeing what you all are getting makes me even more dissatisfied with my clinic. I am actually in contact with one in a neighboring state to get another look at my son to make sure he's getting everything he needs--and I am sure he isn't, as we continue to have major poopy issues. but that's another rant.

best of luck at your appointment!


New member
Hi all...new to the boards and so happy to have found you. My three year old, Finnegan, has NEVER had a chest xray, nor has the clinic request a blood draw until this most recent appointment--right around his third birthday. Seeing what you all are getting makes me even more dissatisfied with my clinic. I am actually in contact with one in a neighboring state to get another look at my son to make sure he's getting everything he needs--and I am sure he isn't, as we continue to have major poopy issues. but that's another rant.

best of luck at your appointment!


Active member
Dear All:

I was in such a hurry yesterday that I read the posts, but didn't get a chance to respond. We headed to the "big city" for Abby's appointment around 11:00. For her to be 1, it was a LOT of blood. I was totally freaked out by that. We did the numming lotion on her arms and that seemed to help the initial shock. She was furious at being held down for both the blood draw and the xrays. The Xrays came back fine. We're waiting on blood work results since they had to send them away. Abby had to give a urine sample which came easier than I expected, they did not put a cath in her, luckily.

The whole day at the hospital lab/radiology and her appointment lasted from 2:30-5:30. This was the longest time on record for us. We did meet with everyone at the clinic at this appointment as well.

Unless something odd comes back with her bloodwork we don't have to return until November. This is fortunate. I believe I am going to let her daddy take her. We've been going in shifts so that our almost 3 year old won't have to endure being cooped up for the drive x2 and the long appointment. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Thanks again for all of the info folks. It was great to read about what happens just so I knew what to expect.

Have a great weekend!



Active member
Dear All:

I was in such a hurry yesterday that I read the posts, but didn't get a chance to respond. We headed to the "big city" for Abby's appointment around 11:00. For her to be 1, it was a LOT of blood. I was totally freaked out by that. We did the numming lotion on her arms and that seemed to help the initial shock. She was furious at being held down for both the blood draw and the xrays. The Xrays came back fine. We're waiting on blood work results since they had to send them away. Abby had to give a urine sample which came easier than I expected, they did not put a cath in her, luckily.

The whole day at the hospital lab/radiology and her appointment lasted from 2:30-5:30. This was the longest time on record for us. We did meet with everyone at the clinic at this appointment as well.

Unless something odd comes back with her bloodwork we don't have to return until November. This is fortunate. I believe I am going to let her daddy take her. We've been going in shifts so that our almost 3 year old won't have to endure being cooped up for the drive x2 and the long appointment. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Thanks again for all of the info folks. It was great to read about what happens just so I knew what to expect.

Have a great weekend!



Active member
Dear All:

I was in such a hurry yesterday that I read the posts, but didn't get a chance to respond. We headed to the "big city" for Abby's appointment around 11:00. For her to be 1, it was a LOT of blood. I was totally freaked out by that. We did the numming lotion on her arms and that seemed to help the initial shock. She was furious at being held down for both the blood draw and the xrays. The Xrays came back fine. We're waiting on blood work results since they had to send them away. Abby had to give a urine sample which came easier than I expected, they did not put a cath in her, luckily.

The whole day at the hospital lab/radiology and her appointment lasted from 2:30-5:30. This was the longest time on record for us. We did meet with everyone at the clinic at this appointment as well.

Unless something odd comes back with her bloodwork we don't have to return until November. This is fortunate. I believe I am going to let her daddy take her. We've been going in shifts so that our almost 3 year old won't have to endure being cooped up for the drive x2 and the long appointment. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Thanks again for all of the info folks. It was great to read about what happens just so I knew what to expect.

Have a great weekend!



Active member
Dear All:

I was in such a hurry yesterday that I read the posts, but didn't get a chance to respond. We headed to the "big city" for Abby's appointment around 11:00. For her to be 1, it was a LOT of blood. I was totally freaked out by that. We did the numming lotion on her arms and that seemed to help the initial shock. She was furious at being held down for both the blood draw and the xrays. The Xrays came back fine. We're waiting on blood work results since they had to send them away. Abby had to give a urine sample which came easier than I expected, they did not put a cath in her, luckily.

The whole day at the hospital lab/radiology and her appointment lasted from 2:30-5:30. This was the longest time on record for us. We did meet with everyone at the clinic at this appointment as well.

Unless something odd comes back with her bloodwork we don't have to return until November. This is fortunate. I believe I am going to let her daddy take her. We've been going in shifts so that our almost 3 year old won't have to endure being cooped up for the drive x2 and the long appointment. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Thanks again for all of the info folks. It was great to read about what happens just so I knew what to expect.

Have a great weekend!



Active member
Dear All:

I was in such a hurry yesterday that I read the posts, but didn't get a chance to respond. We headed to the "big city" for Abby's appointment around 11:00. For her to be 1, it was a LOT of blood. I was totally freaked out by that. We did the numming lotion on her arms and that seemed to help the initial shock. She was furious at being held down for both the blood draw and the xrays. The Xrays came back fine. We're waiting on blood work results since they had to send them away. Abby had to give a urine sample which came easier than I expected, they did not put a cath in her, luckily.

The whole day at the hospital lab/radiology and her appointment lasted from 2:30-5:30. This was the longest time on record for us. We did meet with everyone at the clinic at this appointment as well.

Unless something odd comes back with her bloodwork we don't have to return until November. This is fortunate. I believe I am going to let her daddy take her. We've been going in shifts so that our almost 3 year old won't have to endure being cooped up for the drive x2 and the long appointment. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Thanks again for all of the info folks. It was great to read about what happens just so I knew what to expect.

Have a great weekend!



Active member
Dear All:

I was in such a hurry yesterday that I read the posts, but didn't get a chance to respond. We headed to the "big city" for Abby's appointment around 11:00. For her to be 1, it was a LOT of blood. I was totally freaked out by that. We did the numming lotion on her arms and that seemed to help the initial shock. She was furious at being held down for both the blood draw and the xrays. The Xrays came back fine. We're waiting on blood work results since they had to send them away. Abby had to give a urine sample which came easier than I expected, they did not put a cath in her, luckily.

The whole day at the hospital lab/radiology and her appointment lasted from 2:30-5:30. This was the longest time on record for us. We did meet with everyone at the clinic at this appointment as well.

Unless something odd comes back with her bloodwork we don't have to return until November. This is fortunate. I believe I am going to let her daddy take her. We've been going in shifts so that our almost 3 year old won't have to endure being cooped up for the drive x2 and the long appointment. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Thanks again for all of the info folks. It was great to read about what happens just so I knew what to expect.

Have a great weekend!



Staff member
Did they do a throat/sputum culture?

Also, we've found that it's worse if we end up trying to hold DS down, whether it's xrays or blood work. Last appointment he was fine, much more calm. Also, the nurse never came in with the emla, so we were a little worried about not having any numbing, but DS just watched the whole time and said "hey, that's my blood" with wonder.


Staff member
Did they do a throat/sputum culture?

Also, we've found that it's worse if we end up trying to hold DS down, whether it's xrays or blood work. Last appointment he was fine, much more calm. Also, the nurse never came in with the emla, so we were a little worried about not having any numbing, but DS just watched the whole time and said "hey, that's my blood" with wonder.


Staff member
Did they do a throat/sputum culture?

Also, we've found that it's worse if we end up trying to hold DS down, whether it's xrays or blood work. Last appointment he was fine, much more calm. Also, the nurse never came in with the emla, so we were a little worried about not having any numbing, but DS just watched the whole time and said "hey, that's my blood" with wonder.


Staff member
Did they do a throat/sputum culture?

Also, we've found that it's worse if we end up trying to hold DS down, whether it's xrays or blood work. Last appointment he was fine, much more calm. Also, the nurse never came in with the emla, so we were a little worried about not having any numbing, but DS just watched the whole time and said "hey, that's my blood" with wonder.


Staff member
Did they do a throat/sputum culture?

Also, we've found that it's worse if we end up trying to hold DS down, whether it's xrays or blood work. Last appointment he was fine, much more calm. Also, the nurse never came in with the emla, so we were a little worried about not having any numbing, but DS just watched the whole time and said "hey, that's my blood" with wonder.


Staff member
Did they do a throat/sputum culture?

Also, we've found that it's worse if we end up trying to hold DS down, whether it's xrays or blood work. Last appointment he was fine, much more calm. Also, the nurse never came in with the emla, so we were a little worried about not having any numbing, but DS just watched the whole time and said "hey, that's my blood" with wonder.