Hi there,
My daughter is 20 months old with CF. I too have been having the same problem with the enzymes. But my daughter has just recently started swallowing the enzymes without spitting them out. We too tried everything applesauce, peanut butter, baby food, etc. All of a sudden one day my daughter quit fighting it. I was amazed...I almost started crying. We are on our 5th day of her taking them like a champ!!! I think the key is consistency. Be consistent in how, where and when you give the enzyme and eventually she will give up the fight and take them. For an example I always give my daughter her enzyme when she is in her highchair for meals and snacks. Her food is always sitting nearby so she can see it. I tell her when she takes her enzyme she can have her food. I use the same spoon everytime ( a toddler spoon, it is smaller). We generally give her the enzyme with either strawberry applesauce or chocolate syrup (you can use anything but dairy foods, the point is to get the enzyme in them). Don't put too much on the spoon (thats just more they have to swallow) When she was still fighting the enzymes, I would hold her hands above her head with one hand and spoon in the enzymes with the other. When she spit out the enzmymes I scraped them off her chin and tried again. I know this is stressful...I used to cry myself to sleep worried about her not getting enough enzymes. But I promise it will get better...soon! Just keep trying and be consistent. Children thrive off of consistency... if your child knows you are not giving up they will give in.
Lynsey-20 mo old daughter w/CF